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starting to care about my diet and exercise

Posted: January 28th, 2020, 7:43 pm
by manuel_moe_g
Just got out of therapy session, my therapist is heavy on sustainability of a exercise and diet program over everything else.

I weigh 286 pounds at 6'1" tall at the age of 48.

My exercise and diet regimen is kinda pathetic compared to some I have read on here, but again my therapist is all about sustainability and gradual ramping up to avoid back-sliding

Sunday, Wednesday, Friday are my new habit days. No candy on those days (I have a problem with candy eating at night), and 20 minutes walking (15 minutes easy walking, 2 minutes burst of brisk walking, 3 minute cooldown). The remaining 4 days are Business-As-Usual, for now.

Not very impressive, but it is where I am at right now. My goal is to not have my physician yell at me about weight gain and diabetes.

Re: starting to care about my diet and exercise

Posted: January 28th, 2020, 8:20 pm
by snoringdog
Hey Manny,

Good for you!

Years ago I got on an afternoon candy bar habit, it's very easy to do. But got tired of it, and now look for more natural things like fruit, smoothies, etc.

Still enjoy ice cream or fudge bars on occasion, or the lighter varieties...

And doesn't exercise and just moving around make you feel better?
I sometimes fall back on scrolling-thru-the-news on the cellphone on down days, but always feel better getting the hell up and out of the house!


Re: starting to care about my diet and exercise

Posted: January 29th, 2020, 10:14 am
by oak

You claim it is “not impressive”.

I disagree: it is impressive indeed.

We’re you to effect that plan, you would be in better shape. Please give yourself more credit.

Re: starting to care about my diet and exercise

Posted: January 29th, 2020, 2:47 pm
by Heatherwantspeace
MM, doing anything you're not doing now is impressive!
Your plan sounds well thought out and doable. Good for you.

Re: starting to care about my diet and exercise

Posted: February 1st, 2020, 3:15 am
by Beany Boo
Hi Manuel,

What physical activity would you prefer to do regularly if things like money, time, age and food weren’t concerns?

What experience-reward would you give yourself for staying consistent simply with the plan you have there?