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My special valentine...

Posted: February 14th, 2020, 6:57 pm
by oak
Is all my friends here!

Here is what I would give all of my dear friends, because while food doesn't equal love (though I try daily to make it so), sometimes candy is good:

Manuel Moe: Twix
Heather: Reese's Pieces
Snoring Dog: 100 Grand Bar
Rivergirl: Twizzlers
BeanyBoo: Bun Bar (one each of maple and vanilla)
Anyone I missed (I know I'm missing several): your choice of Snickers and Kitkat and Cadbury Eggs. And Marshmallow Peeps (nice and stale).

Not gonna lie: next year I hope I have an extra special valentine: please make her blond and blue eyed. Or olive skinned with almond eyes. Or just anyone fine.

While I don't have everything I want, that doesn't mean I have nothing. I have lots of good friends here. I send you all handmade MIHH valentines.

Re: My special valentine...

Posted: February 15th, 2020, 10:21 am
by Heatherwantspeace
Thanks, Oak! Reese's Pieces....score! Hoping rivergirl will pool and share with her Twizzlers :-)

I feel the wheels have been set in motion to send someone your way. Stay open and curious as the universe likes to send us what we need wrapped up in something else.
My valentine's card is beautiful. Thank you so much. Your friendship and support mean so much to me.

Re: My special valentine...

Posted: February 15th, 2020, 3:46 pm
by manuel_moe_g
Twix for Valentines Day are good, but the knowledge that my friend Oak is truly a self-actualized man is a gift you give me regularly on this board. With much respect.

Re: My special valentine...

Posted: February 15th, 2020, 4:46 pm
by Beany Boo
Thank you Oak,

I had to Google Bun Bar. It looks revolting so it’s probably delicious.

From what I can tell, women exhibit a healthy attraction when:

They don’t feel fear around you
They’re not expected to fulfill the role of a carer and
They’re not shamed about any of their bodily needs

And natural expressions of sadness from you when they come up seem to go a long way.

Keep working on your sobriety, although I doubt you need reminding.

I only endorse optimism if it’s about the growth of your self worth.

It may seem unlikely that you will meet someone. But then, unlikely things happen all the time.

Re: My special valentine...

Posted: February 18th, 2020, 3:30 pm
by rivergirl
Thank you for the sweet thoughts, Oak. Happy Valentine's Day to you and everyone here.

I would definitely share with you, Heather. :)

Re: My special valentine...

Posted: February 18th, 2020, 5:30 pm
by oak
Thank you for your lovely message, Meave. I appreciate it.

And let’s see what I have in the valentines bag...

Full size heath bars, and an entire quart of your favorite flavor of Ben and Jerry’s!

@Rivergirl: Great to hear from you.