Physical fitness, letting go of bitterness (5 post arc)
Posted: July 3rd, 2020, 2:26 pm
Hi friends. I'd consider this a spring cleaning of resentments and other garbage rattling around in my mind for far too long, but this is Independence Day, so this can be "independence from mental burdens"?
This will be a four or five post arc about me and physical fitness. It is not always a happy or inclusive story, and I want to avoid schadenfreude (delight at others' misfortune) but not excuse the guilty. Because there are real consequences for karma, man. This stuff is real. Actual people I know have died from not getting this stuff right. And it could be me, if I don't clean up this resentment.
Here is what I hope to cover, and several may be covered in one post:
1. My current physical fitness habits, including martial arts (generally happy)
2. The President's Physical Fitness test of 1984. A condemnation of the old, broken American way of life of non-inclusivity, and the very real consequences of children being proud and abusive (obviously bad)
3. The two times I got punched (read: assaulted) in school (a digression about martial arts)
4. The time I was on the college TV station show "Desperate For A Date" (this is 2004, so I obviously ended up rejected)
5. A frank assessment of my physical fitness in my forties (2016-present)
6. Quarantine weight gain, and increased time available for inclusive activity
So yeah, I have some resentments, and I suppose Independence Day is as good as time as any to get them out.
I am only as sick as my secrets, so in the next few days I hope to get it all out. I'll come across as a bit of a jerk, or saying the honest things we're not supposed to say out loud (because it is easier to lie and watch people die.... I'm getting away with myself already!).
I'd rather be honest and a jerk, than continue to prop up the pretty lies that are killing us.
Goodness, I have some bitterness! Thank you for letting me get this all out in the coming few days.
This will be a four or five post arc about me and physical fitness. It is not always a happy or inclusive story, and I want to avoid schadenfreude (delight at others' misfortune) but not excuse the guilty. Because there are real consequences for karma, man. This stuff is real. Actual people I know have died from not getting this stuff right. And it could be me, if I don't clean up this resentment.
Here is what I hope to cover, and several may be covered in one post:
1. My current physical fitness habits, including martial arts (generally happy)
2. The President's Physical Fitness test of 1984. A condemnation of the old, broken American way of life of non-inclusivity, and the very real consequences of children being proud and abusive (obviously bad)
3. The two times I got punched (read: assaulted) in school (a digression about martial arts)
4. The time I was on the college TV station show "Desperate For A Date" (this is 2004, so I obviously ended up rejected)
5. A frank assessment of my physical fitness in my forties (2016-present)
6. Quarantine weight gain, and increased time available for inclusive activity
So yeah, I have some resentments, and I suppose Independence Day is as good as time as any to get them out.
I am only as sick as my secrets, so in the next few days I hope to get it all out. I'll come across as a bit of a jerk, or saying the honest things we're not supposed to say out loud (because it is easier to lie and watch people die.... I'm getting away with myself already!).
I'd rather be honest and a jerk, than continue to prop up the pretty lies that are killing us.
Goodness, I have some bitterness! Thank you for letting me get this all out in the coming few days.