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I'm obese (3 post arc).

Posted: July 20th, 2020, 2:18 pm
by oak
HI friends. I am only as sick as my secrets, so here goes:

1. Just the facts
2. Bad outcomes already
3. The plan
4. "Motivation", or: "There's One In Every Story"

1. Just the facts: My current weight is 225, I am 5-10, and my BMI is 32. After excellent year over year biometric numbers through 2018, I have since gained 35 pounds, with 15 of those pounds since the quarantine (very common, I understand).

2. Bad outcomes already: a. Joint pain is keeping me from my beloved tai chi and well-liked taekwando b. I am having signs of GERD/acid reflux c. I have begun snoring and probably have sleep apnea (this is very bad).

3. The Plan:

a. Post here.
b. Contact my primary care physician for a preliminary consult and referrals.
c. Talk with my good friend, who is down nearly 100 pounds
d. Re-implement the (easy) habits I effected in 2016 to get to 190 pounds in 2018. Long story short: more whole foods and less processed foods. It is no burden.

(Note: the reason I'm facing this is because I've woken up the last two mornings choking, which I understand to be sleep apnea. This is all the reason I need. The following is..."motivation" and not WHY).

4. I recently heard that a smokeshow acquaintance has dance-exercise classes a short drive drive away.

Right now I don't have a car and taekwando is too much for my joints.

Like my semi-beloved The Secret posits, I can picture myself walking out of a dance-exercise class soon, easily handling the class' impact, and to my new car.

(One more word before the big finish: I recognize that surviving 2020 so far is a complete success. That I have plenty of food and can do taekwando at age 44 is an almost unimaginable blessing.)

So What?

Like all difficult crossroads in life, I ask: why not give in nihilism? Why not just accept "aging" and being (demographically speaking) an average modern American?

Well, two reasons:

1. This sleep apnea sucks. It sucks. It sucks so much. I will do all of the above to avoid sleep apnea.

2. I really enjoy exercise, I want to have a car again, and I want to see pretty women: I can do exactly all this at the class. These things are worth fighting for, for struggling and striving for.

I'll post again, once or twice, when I begin effecting The Plan, and (hopefully) start to see some results. Thanks for listening!

Re: I'm obese (3 post arc).

Posted: July 21st, 2020, 8:47 am
by manuel_moe_g
Outstanding example of the self-actualized man. Already you are a success because you are working toward a worthy goal. So may success build upon success.

(side note, maybe you might want to try being more careful using the "to be" verb. Remind yourself by posting a "2B" with a red slash through it on a post-it note in conspicuous places. Replace "I'm obese" with something realistic, because it is not realistic to define your whole being with the "to be" verb with "obese". You are a human with inner and outer traits, there is a part of you that is already rail thin, so it is simply not true that "You are obese". Say something more realistic and precise like "I choose to eat healthier and exercise more".) ... vocabulary ... EPrime.htm

Re: I'm obese (3 post arc).

Posted: July 21st, 2020, 4:00 pm
by Beany Boo
I don’t know about this one.

Hunger management let’s call it, is fraught.

I defer to the Mayo Clinic on this; don’t mess with your diet until you are otherwise ready to do so.

Satisfying hunger is at the base of the Maslowe Pyramid. It’s the source from which a lot of things are kept in the air.

Hunger is the strongest force affecting humans.

If you feel ready, proceed. In these times, if it were me, I’d work up to it.