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Inching back into post-COVID life (ongoing).

Posted: February 14th, 2021, 5:21 pm
by oak
Seeing as how I caught COVID a year ago today, I thought I'd post occasionally as I take baby steps to get back to a new life, post-COVID. Note: until I get all the vaccine, plus two weeks, everything below will be morally sound: Zoom, socially distant with masks if I must go out.

I want to get to a richer, wider, more vibrant life. Quarantine life has had some positives, and I hope to increasingly leave it behind, starting with my mind.

I'm not sure what this new life will look like, so the posts will be sporadic.

My first adventure:

Remember the swing dance craze of the 90ss? Well by the time I got to grad school it was still going. I joined the swing dance club back then, and somehow connected on social media the last few years.

Today I participated in said college club's Shim Sham Zoom lesson. They also kindly said I could come to the big dances when life resumes.

While I can still move, more or less, I really need to work on my solo jazz dance: I don't have any quickness for a kick-ball-change. I am built more for blues dancing, which is quite sexy indeed.

Lastly, this doesn't have anything to do with anything, but this is my favorite dance video. It brings me such joy.

Our brother from India is a very good lead, using only a few fingers. While I can't Lindy, my East Coast/Jitterbug shares 90% of his Lindy's DNA. He has some good sugar pushes there.

And I am more than a little attracted to the young lady. Especially those hand flourishes. Rawr!

Re: Inching back into post-COVID life (ongoing).

Posted: February 15th, 2021, 5:34 pm
by remarks
Wow, you caught COVID before it was a global pandemic. What a hipster! :dance:

It's great that you're starting to make plans and get back out there. Really, we all should be making plans right now. It will be good to have something to look forward to. It feels like this period will never end, but there is light at the end of the COVID tunnel. I just need to keep my eyes on it.