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Breakthrough in Therapy

Posted: April 30th, 2021, 7:27 pm
by remarks
So I've been doing therapy sessions for about 3 months now via BetterHelp. While it's been nice to have someone I can talk to about nearly anything and feel supported, I hadn't made any major realizations until this point.

Yesterday, I decided to talk about losing my grandpa. He wasn't actually my grandpa, he was married (and later divorced) from my grandma, but he always treated me like his own grandson. He died suddenly in 1997 while I was 14 and living with him. It's something I've never been able to fully accept.

The breakthrough was this: I was telling my therapist how we would do things together like go on little road trips, work on his house, go to flea markets, etc. She said something along the lines of, "So he treated you like you were a child, unlike the rest of the adults in your life?"

Wow, she's right. That's why losing him was so much harder than losing others in my life. He was the one person who actually treated me like I was a kid. He didn't put me in adult situations and force me to make decisions like my parents and pretty much everyone else in my family.

It was hard to start the conversation about him, but now I'm ready to dig deeper. I want to finally grieve losing him...and the little childhood that I had.

Re: Breakthrough in Therapy

Posted: April 30th, 2021, 8:29 pm
by manuel_moe_g
So powerful, thanks for sharing, Remarks

Re: Breakthrough in Therapy

Posted: May 1st, 2021, 12:29 pm
by rivergirl
I'm sorry for your loss of your grandpa at a young age, Remarks. It sounds like he was a good guy, and you deserved to have adults in your life to treat you like the child that you were.

Re: Breakthrough in Therapy

Posted: May 1st, 2021, 12:53 pm
by oak
Very good Remarks! I am glad you had that breakthrough, and continue to find healing.

Also, I thought of your avatar the other night while watching "Django Unchained": I kept waiting for Leo to strike that pose, but I must have missed it, probably because of all the concurrent violence. Good movie though. I also liked Hateful 8.

At any rate, hang in there!