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Like fucking shit

Posted: May 28th, 2021, 9:53 pm
by duck1
I have some nagging thoughts about being taken advantage at work and they are not leaving me.

I don't want to share because it is sort of dead end.

I want these thoughts to take their course and after hearing the episode about narcissism I don't want to act like one.

I don't think there is any good advice for me.

I will try to confront my boss when the moment is right.

I do feel better though after writing here.

Re: Like fucking shit

Posted: May 29th, 2021, 7:42 pm
by brownblob
I don't have any advice just wanted you to know you were heard.

Re: Like fucking shit

Posted: May 29th, 2021, 7:58 pm
by Beany Boo

I don’t have any advice either but I encourage you to share how you go. It might be advice for me.

I do know this, some situations that are difficult will never get less difficult. They’re hard for everyone. You just get better at recognizing and responding in that knowledge.