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Harassed/threatened in street after work. Please check my thinking.

Posted: June 19th, 2022, 11:41 am
by oak
Hi friends.

On Thursday after work I was walking to my car. The neighborhood is sketchy. It was broad daylight, and I was minding my own business.

As I've experienced before, a degenerate nearby was mumbling aggressive nonsense. He called me a slur. I was able to get away safely.

I am thinking it is time to find another job. Keep in mind my current position doesn't pay enough for many luxuries, and some months I have to choose between food and the electric bill.

Here is my thinking, friends:

1. It is time to find another job.

2. This should be second in time/resources/efforts to the final curing of my sleep apnea (I'd estimate I'm 50-75% of the way to curing my sleep apnea).

(Said another way: after taking action on sleep apnea, if I have any energy left, to spend it on a WFH job search.)

Am I wrong in these two principles? Am I missing anything, friends?

I do know this: I told my mental health counselor yesterday that if I had (1) $5K in savings and (2) a remote/WFH job offer, then I'd give my two week's notice tomorrow.

Edit to add: though this was a traumatic experience, I feel so much better writing this here. There is something deeply therapeutic for me to see it in black and white. Recovery and healing is so good.

Re: Harassed/threatened in street after work. Please check my thinking.

Posted: June 19th, 2022, 11:58 am
by manuel_moe_g
Take care, Oak. You are prioritizing yourself, always good stuff to make us feel good. A fulfilled, happy Oak is on all of our wishlists.