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Bookend: July 4 meltdown, four 15-minute actions, then Hallmark.

Posted: July 4th, 2022, 2:18 pm
by oak
Hi friends.

Being cooped up, I had a meltdown at 6 pm. I hydrated, took my prescribed Buspar, and took a shower in the first 15 minutes.

It is now 6:15 pm. At 7 pm I turn on a Hallmark movie, ready or not. Permit me to open a bookend.

For each of the three remaining 15-minute blocks:

First: declutter bedroom.

Second: journal about 2021 experiences (my conscience has been hounding me to do this).

Third: Gently exercise with Planet Fitness app.

I'll post the concluding bookend in 43 minutes. Thanks for listening! :)

Re: Bookend: July 4 meltdown, four 15-minute actions, then Hallmark.

Posted: July 4th, 2022, 2:42 pm
by rivergirl
Hi Oak,

Not sure if this is part of the underlying cause of your meltdown, but holidays can be fraught with memories, FOMO, etc.

Best wishes for carrying out your excellent plan. Please let us know how it goes.


Re: Bookend: July 4 meltdown, four 15-minute actions, then Hallmark.

Posted: July 4th, 2022, 3:09 pm
by oak
rivergirl wrote: July 4th, 2022, 2:42 pm Not sure if this is part of the underlying cause of your meltdown, but holidays can be fraught with memories, FOMO, etc.
Word, my friend, word.

Every holiday and many weekends I don't shower/shave/wear clean clothes and I always have a meltdown. Every time I shower and shave, I'm always fine.

Well friends, it was a great success!

1. Whatever decluttering was going to happen, happened.
2. Like our good friend Rivergirl suggested, I had fermenting memories that needed to get out into the light and fresh air.
3. I was charmed by the Planet Fitness exercise app workout.

Hydration and shaving are very important to my mental health. And reaching to friends who generously let me use my words!

Now it is time for "Christmas on the Bayou". :)

Re: Bookend: July 4 meltdown, four 15-minute actions, then Hallmark.

Posted: July 4th, 2022, 5:53 pm
by manuel_moe_g
Friends being there for friends. Exactly as you deserve, Oak! You made a plan of action and saw it through.