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massive therapy session this week 09-13-2022

Posted: September 13th, 2022, 5:03 pm
by manuel_moe_g
a lot got discussed and processed, cannot really summarize it all right now in the little bit of time i have right now


working to slow down the vagus nerve in the heart - to inhibit and override the amygdala stress response, instead of just burning away the stress hormones after the have been created

my subconscious brain is constantly pushing memories and thoughts into my conscious brain area. the memories and thoughts are: humiliating, shameful, painful, inspiring hopelessness, agonizing ---> when that happens, taking the part of the brain that manifested that negative memory or thought, and seeing it like a crying baby, and holding that baby gently, and rocking that baby slowly back and forth ---> this engages the thought less than purely rationally dealing with the memory or thought as an acknowledgement of the avoidance of future pain, and the problem with that is that I do feel a little sadder from "touching" that negative memory or thought

when i am able to work on stuff that previously i would avoid out of fear ---> < CELEBRATIONS AND GRATITUDE ARE IN ORDER !!! :D :D :D >

when i feel hesitancy, when I feel rebellious/defiant feeling that prevents me from taking effective action toward my goals ---> use it as an opportunity to maybe clarify the action or break down the action into a smaller bit

<IMPORTANT> Byron Katie "4 questions" to turn around a <core> negative thought into a positive thought

further fleshing out of my 35 minute structure ----> 5 minutes dopamine boost to ramp up into work, 25 minutes doing the work, 5 minutes reward total restful posture dopamine boost

:!: :!: :!: had <great> experience with using the 35 minute structure :!: :!: :!:

long breaks that are mindful and intentional --- have the ending feeling in mind and pick stuff and time limits that will give me that ending feeling


wow, a lot to flesh out, but out of time right now


Re: massive therapy session this week 09-13-2022

Posted: September 13th, 2022, 6:45 pm
by oak
Excellent, Manuel Moe. Thank you for sharing.

There is lots to like here, but I have to get to bed and can’t offer the thoughts this post deserves.

For now, you can rest easy, knowing that what you accomplished today is a real achievement.

Post again soon, when you feel ready, with more insights from this session.

Re: massive therapy session this week 09-13-2022

Posted: September 14th, 2022, 4:10 pm
by Mental Fairy
Manuel Moe you have moved forward my friend. I will be very interested in your updates as this is something that resonates deeply. Memory recall is so strange i find. Strangest moments that it happens and the triggers that inspire them to grow. It's like adding rootblast to a memory and then boom you have yourself a hedge of a problem!

Re: massive therapy session this week 09-13-2022

Posted: September 15th, 2022, 8:39 am
by manuel_moe_g
my subconscious brain is constantly pushing intrusive negative memories and thoughts into my conscious brain area. the memories and thoughts are: humiliating, shameful, painful, inspiring hopelessness, agonizing


when that happens, taking the part of the brain that manifested that negative memory or thought, and seeing it like a crying baby, and holding that baby gently, and rocking that baby slowly back and forth


this engages the thought less than purely rationally dealing with the memory or thought as an acknowledgement of the avoidance of future pain, by talking to that part of my brain in a calm logical way

the problem with dealing with it purely logically is that I do feel a little sadder from just "touching" that negative memory or thought


so the emotional way of dealing with it leaves me less sad than the logical way of dealing with it

i guess I had to progress through the different ways of dealing with negative intrusive memories and thoughts: using abuse against that part of my brain, using calm reason against that part of my brain, and finally using pure love and nurturing touch with that part of my brain

i couldn't get to my current understanding without progressing through other more primitive ways of understanding

Re: massive therapy session this week 09-13-2022

Posted: September 15th, 2022, 8:51 am
by manuel_moe_g
<IMPORTANT> Byron Katie "4 questions" to turn around a <core> negative thought into a positive thought

the four questions:
  1. Is it true?
  2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
  3. How do you react when you believe that thought?
  4. Who would you be without the thought?
an example:

"I will definitely suffer from whole-body anxiety unless I nap, or binge eat, or lounge and watch tik-tok"

(1) is it true? - it feels true...

(2) Can you absolutely know it's true? - No

(3) How do you react - what happens - when you believe that thought? - it immediately brings on an anxious feeling in the brow area, the eyes, the shoulders

(4) Who would you be without the thought? - I think I would be a person who can work effortlessly

...Now using that to turn the thought around...

"i can feel whole body relaxation while i am working"

Re: massive therapy session this week 09-13-2022

Posted: September 15th, 2022, 1:20 pm
by Mental Fairy

Re: massive therapy session this week 09-13-2022

Posted: September 16th, 2022, 4:46 pm
by manuel_moe_g
Pomodoros For The Win!

it is strange how long it took me to realize the immense value of regular breaks while working

the important thing is to take a <real> break from work, the time-limited part of the break keeps things on the rails

Re: massive therapy session this week 09-13-2022

Posted: September 16th, 2022, 5:57 pm
by oak
manuel_moe_g wrote: September 16th, 2022, 4:46 pm Pomodoros For The Win!

it is strange how long it took me to realize the immense value of regular breaks while working

the important thing is to take a <real> break from work, the time-limited part of the break keeps things on the rails
Word. That is an excellent plan. I've used it myself.

Re: massive therapy session this week 09-13-2022

Posted: September 18th, 2022, 8:41 pm
by Mental Fairy
Just been looking up this method and wish to try it. We have changed this at work so patients 9:30am to 12. Then it’s lunch for two hours, this allows time for both my boss and I to get things done like, coffee! I choose to do yoga for 40 minutes and then get back into it at 2pm and last patient at 4:15. Then I’ve done the lab work and get to hospital to do rounds all before the sun goes down.

Daylight saving here this coming weekend so longer daylight hours will be nice. Just not looking forward to summer heat.

However Manuel Moe I am intrigued by this concept and wish to try it on our clinic days.

Right, back to the oven for me!