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I can’t get this out of my mind.

Posted: November 11th, 2022, 8:55 am
by oak
Friends, I’m not sure how this is mental health-related, other than it seems stuck in my psyche and thoughts for two weeks straight:

I am really enjoying The Smashing Pumpkins.

Tonight, Tonight


Also, the following song came out 15 years later, and is Southern Gothic, not alternative.

The Civil Wars, I Had Me a Girl

Maybe, with both of these artists, I’m drawn to what I am not: I am northern and conventional, while these amazing folks are southern and alternative.

Re: I can’t get this out of my mind.

Posted: November 11th, 2022, 9:04 am
by oak
Speaking of Southern Gothic,

I am drawn to following:

1. The limited series podcast, S-Town.

The most Southern Gothic-y thing of all. William Faulkner couldn’t make this up.

2. The 2001 film Big Fish, though I increasingly find the elderly father insufferable. The father as young man remains very charming.

3. The Flanerry O’Connor short stories.

Again, like yoga, I am drawn to something I’m not otherwise interested in or even want to like. It attracts me.

Re: I can’t get this out of my mind.

Posted: November 11th, 2022, 10:57 am
by Mental Fairy
Hi oak,

I find your observation interesting as recently found out the brain seeks particular beats, tunes and rhythm depending on moods. It can at times become very nostalgic seeking or seeks calm. It feels like there is two seperate components to us, the brain energy and the self that observed that seeking feeling?

Food for thought

Re: I can’t get this out of my mind.

Posted: November 11th, 2022, 3:14 pm
by snoringdog
Hello Oak,

Thanks. Will check the links...

I am really enjoying The Smashing Pumpkins.

Nooo!!! Don't smash the pumpkins before their time! :lol:

And time to read this one again, it been years...

Re: I can’t get this out of my mind.

Posted: November 11th, 2022, 5:25 pm
by Mental Fairy
The power of music, a simple tune or a passing hum.

To this day I am seeking the tune from a nightlight I had as a child. I don’t know why but I have part of the tune come to me at odd times then it’s gone again. I mentally try grasp it and locate for full tune but can’t. It’s particularly haunting. I recall the nightlight caught fire and melted.

Re: I can’t get this out of my mind.

Posted: November 11th, 2022, 7:31 pm
by snoringdog
Nightlight on fire! That's impressive to a child.

No wonder the tune was burned into your brain. ;)