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Footage of my 2023.

Posted: March 13th, 2023, 7:17 pm
by oak

A new year of endless possibilities! The only limit is my imagination… let’s imagine a new, fresh life, unencumbered by the past, and setting sail for a bright future.

I give you footage of my 2023, setting a course for new vistas, with me clearly visible on the left:

Re: Footage of my 2023.

Posted: March 13th, 2023, 9:23 pm
by Mental Fairy
Holly hecka Batman! That’s insane. I wonder if they knew that was a possibility to happen. That’s scary. If it rolled the other way it would have been easier to sort out and less damage I would think.

Back to you, did you Oak know you were going to topple over? Did you feel the weight against you and that’s the cause of your struggle recently?

On the plus side you’re going to bounce back up easier than a ship and we are here to help push you back out to sea!

The dissatisfaction you are feeling is paramount to change. I know you’re waiting for something else to come along but plans in place for every possibility is a good plan. Taking risks within reason looking for new work. You will get through this my friend. You’re worth so much more.

Re: Footage of my 2023.

Posted: March 14th, 2023, 3:43 pm
by oak
Mental Fairy! Thank you for posting.

You are so good at asking the right questions: that skill may be more important than finding the right answer. Something to think about.
Mental Fairy wrote: March 13th, 2023, 9:23 pm Back to you, did you Oak know you were going to topple over? Did you feel the weight against you and that’s the cause of your struggle recently?
Yes, I knew I was going to have a mental/moral breakdown in 2023. I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon. I also know that it could have happened sooner, and that it could have been much worse.

I also know, equally clearly, that January’s breakdown was a reprieve, not a pardon. In other words, I am headed to another breakdown this year, if I don’t effect some profound changes.

Happily, as you were so encouraging to say, I am well on my way. I am making big changes, with lots of help including y’all, since January.

This January 2023 breakdown was inevitable by November 2022. However, I can make changes in March 2023 to mitigate or prevent an August 2023 worse breakdown.

I’ll be okay if we stick together.