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missing Oak
Posted: February 14th, 2024, 2:47 pm
by manuel_moe_g
<salutes> use all your energy on achieving your dreams! even you are not here, wishing you the very best
Re: missing Oak
Posted: February 14th, 2024, 6:38 pm
by Mental Fairy
I agree. I feel a void is there. Miss him dearly.
Re: missing Oak
Posted: February 15th, 2024, 3:28 am
by troebia
I miss him too.
Re: missing Oak
Posted: February 29th, 2024, 5:26 am
by manuel_moe_g
boy, the absence of Oak is being felt by me right now
if somehow i could be transported to where he is, i would give that guy a big bear hug and wish him all the energy and motivation and technique and luck to grab life "by the horns" and make all his dreams come true
i have done similar things in my life, this "dropping out", i had a group of friends that i invested great energy to drop after my mental break-down at the age of 25. One day we were thick as thieves, the next day I wanted nothing to do with them, practically. My mind and body knew I had to apply 100% of my energy towards fixing my life, no time for what i judged to be "distractions"
i was near-suicidal at that time, so the stakes were very high.
I wish we could still be part of Oak's life now. anyway, sending you the very best of healthy energy and luck to you, Oak, because you deserve it
Re: missing Oak
Posted: February 29th, 2024, 8:28 pm
by snoringdog
i had a group of friends that i invested great energy to drop
I dropped the friends I was living and associating with after leaving the Christian "cult" I was in.
It was too much feeling miserable and wallowing in the past, and I knew it wasn't helping me...
(And I dunno, I like to think that Oak takes a peek here once in awhile