tired and feeling depression coming on

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tired and feeling depression coming on

Post by meh »

I hardly slept last night and now it's 3 in the afternoon and sure enough I can feel the depression creeping up on me. I'm exhausted AND depressed. Wonderful combination. I still have to pick the kids up at the bus stop and deal with the neighbors who are there, get the kids to start their homework, make dinner and deal with my wife when she gets home - probably pissed off at me over something.

ugh... this is going to be fun FUN!
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Re: tired and feeling depression coming on

Post by meh »

Update... figuring I had nothing to lose, I emailed my wife to tell her I was exhausted beyond exhausted... and that I was feeling the darkness starting to close in so I would try and put a good face on it for as long as I could be Daddy... clean up the kitchen and then head to bed.

And much to my joy, her response was 'do what you have to do...'

You have no idea how big that is for me.
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Re: tired and feeling depression coming on

Post by manuel_moe_g »

So glad to hear it, meh! :D
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Re: tired and feeling depression coming on

Post by meh »


it was a weird weekend - we went to two parties. At the first one on Friday I was completely at ease and chatting it up with the neighbors. At the second on Saturday I felt completely out of sync with everyone and spent most of the party chain smoking on the back deck.

I was drinking at both parties - on Friday it felt like a relief to be out of my head for a bit. Not so much on Saturday.
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