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Actually feeling pretty good

Posted: October 23rd, 2012, 5:10 pm
by marathonbar
I thought I might post on here to maybe give someone hope. When I first started listening to the podcast, I was a wreck. I would get on the treadmill and walk, slowly, while listening to back episodes and sobbing. It was all I could manage to do. I'd go back to bed and try to sleep, hoping that when I woke up things would be better. It took a while, but now, nine months later, I'm in such a different place. I started a new job, I go out with friends, I laugh. What did it? Probably a combination of things. I found a new therapist, started taking supplements, started meditating and exercising (that sloooow walking eventually turned into jogging). It was a long haul. Some days I felt like I was living minute to minute. This all is to say that, even though it may not feel like it now, things can change. They will change. Take whatever small steps you can, even if it's just walking to the end of the driveway to get the newspaper or counting your breath. Life may suck now but somewhere there's relief. I hope this doesn't sound trite, because believe me, I've been to the depths of hell. I just wanted to add a bit of hope to this board. Here's hoping you all find some peace.

Re: Actually feeling pretty good

Posted: October 23rd, 2012, 6:35 pm
by weary
I'm sincerely glad to hear that you are doing well. It is nice to hear someone who has dragged themselves through deep depression and emerged on the other side. I bet you appreciate the peace and contentment you have now all the more because of knowing how bad it felt without it. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Re: Actually feeling pretty good

Posted: October 23rd, 2012, 7:22 pm
by Wildflower
That is so awesome and totally an useful inspiration. Thank you, love!