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Posted: December 2nd, 2012, 2:45 pm
by Jazz and blues
I'm having a depressive episode, and for some reason I called my parents, I want them to understand and not be dismissive, I want them to not make me feel guilty and cornered, I want them to change but I know they never will. I do so much work not to blame them for my childhood, but I would like them to acknowledge it. I'm so angry and hurt, and I feel so weak for allowing them to hurt me, I plan out what I am going to say but their overbearing nature chokes the life out of anything I could say. I'm alone.

Re: Anger

Posted: December 4th, 2012, 1:16 pm
by JasmineP
I know that feeling. You're not alone in trying to get your parents to understand how they hurt you and in still being hurt. Maybe one day they'll listen, until then take care of yourself as best you can.