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Financial stuff
Posted: January 4th, 2013, 8:36 am
by talkthedog
The money stress sends me over the edge, maybe not the bottom, more like hanging on a misplaced tree. I have gotten so much better at handling so many thing s that set my anxiety and depression but the money stuff just seems to be a hole that I keep digging deeper into since my divorce. It's amazing how one stress brings back the others, like being lonely. Ok vent over. Can pass the soap box over.
Re: Financial stuff
Posted: January 4th, 2013, 6:27 pm
by manuel_moe_g
Hello talkthedog!
I know what you mean about money problems. I have a bad habit to try to buy stuff as a way to manage my mood.
Can you give yourself partial credit for improvement?
I hope so. I sometimes beat myself up for not being perfect, and then I discount the improvement I have made, and I lose all hope, and backslide horrifically!
I hope you don't do that to yourself - you deserve better!
All the best, take care, we here are all cheering for your greatest today and tomorrow!
Re: Financial stuff
Posted: January 7th, 2013, 7:40 am
by talkthedog
Oh man, the shopping therapy has had its bad moments and I have been saying to myself "I don't need anything" as a mantra. It sometimes works! LOL
Re: Financial stuff
Posted: January 10th, 2013, 6:50 am
by talkthedog
So for more details and an update. When I originally posted I had screwed up my mortgage....again. Well after a small inner breakdown and not calling my parents in a panic, I dealt with it! And quite well! I called the new mortgage company (because the old one sold it) and set everything up to fix it; an electronic payment, and a payment plan, etc. Well the old bank decided the same day to deposit my check and forward it to the new company... long story slightly shortened... I paid my mortgage twice and overdraft my account. And mortgage companies are NOT helpful when you give them too much money... Well lets hope I am caught up before my cable/internet is shut off! LOL!