The Official It's Getting Better Thread

Whether it is good or bad, talk about it here.
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Jenny Jump
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The Official It's Getting Better Thread

Post by Jenny Jump »

I thought it would be cool to start a thread dedicated to personal victories of any size. So if you've had something small or awesome happen to you that made you feel just a little bit better, talk about it here!

I just got a call back for a second interview for a job I'd really like. I'm excited, but a little nervous. I'm really happy that all this interviewing and putting myself out there on the job market is paying off. Right now, I have a really low paying job-($8 an hour) that is low stress, but the stress that occurs as a result of not making enough money is no longer worth it. I value myself enough today to be grateful for what I currently have, but to keep seeking for something that is more promising.
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Re: The Official It's Getting Better Thread

Post by Anne »

Great idea!
And a great milestone for you, even if this job interview isn't going to turn out the way you planned, you made a huge step, that I have yet to make. And I'm sure it's only one of many!

My personal victory:
I made it out of depression alive and am still dealing with my personality disorder in therapy - constantly growing and learning. I have made huge progress over the years and after a life of just trying to get by, I can finally do the things I always dreamt of doing. There were days, where going to bed at night, or going to bed at all, was a challenge. I couldn't feed or wash myself, because I was at war with myself. And even though I'm not exactly in love with myself today, I finally made peace. I take care of a dog and I take care of myself. I started a job training and I wrote a book. And for someone who found it to hard sometimes to go to the bathroom, I'ld say that's quite an achievement.

It gets better, guys. The trick is to keep breathing ...
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Re: The Official It's Getting Better Thread

Post by weary »

Congratulations Jenny Jump! Hope the interview goes well.

I have to be honest and say that when I first read your initial post I had a knee-jerk negative reaction to it. I have a big problem with the little things feeling like they don't matter, like they will never be enough and never add up to anything, that they are a drop in the bucket compared to the big awful things that I have to deal with, and I get frustrated and pissed off when people tell me to do affirmations, and acknowledge the positive, because it feels like bullshit. However, have come to realize that is part of my issue - that is a script that keeps me locked into the cycles of depression and frustration that I need to break. I know now that one of my core issues is self-worth, and learning how to be happy with the little things (even if it's only being a little happy) will probably help me get to the point where I feel like I deserve to be happy more of the time and can do something about the big things.

My personal victories of the weekend? I went to a meditation class on Saturday and went to yoga and worked out on Sunday. Even though I went to work for a few hours on Saturday, I gave myself permission to make Sunday a work-free zone and stuck with it.
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Jenny Jump
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Re: The Official It's Getting Better Thread

Post by Jenny Jump »

Anne and Weary, I loved your responses!

Weary, I have that tendency too. That's why I started this thread. To get me in the habit of gleaning one good thing about any given day in hopes it will help me with my funks.
"I know what I am, I know what you think I am, but I refuse to be that simple." -Nomy Lamm
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Jenny Jump
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Re: The Official It's Getting Better Thread

Post by Jenny Jump »

I just got a Conditional Offer from a potential employer. All I have to do is take a pee test and criminal background check and I'm in! Yay! This will be the first meaningful job I've had in a long time.

So now that things are looking up for me, I'm immediately afraid they'll somehow find out I'm mentally ill and find out about my hospitalizations. One thing at a time. I have to tell myself that nobody knows but me and my friends.
"I know what I am, I know what you think I am, but I refuse to be that simple." -Nomy Lamm
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Re: The Official It's Getting Better Thread

Post by weary »

Awesome! Congratulations!
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Re: The Official It's Getting Better Thread

Post by SmartCookie »

My small victory is that I was able to work through some anxiety I had last week about a job that I really wanted because it felt like a good fit for my passions. Because of my depression I've spent the last 2 years being super unreliable and I've had a lot of fears about the damage this does to my career and reputation as people don't want to work with me (it's a super-small market here, word gets around fast). I was able to get through it by locating opportunities that seem like they build off my strengths. The issues I have with rebuilding my reputation still exist and I have a lot of making-up and proving myself still to do, and I also know I have to accept that this might mean I do work that is less than a perfect fit for a little while. But I know I have to start somewhere and do something that both makes me feel good and at which I can concentrate on doing a good job.
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Jenny Jump
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Re: The Official It's Getting Better Thread

Post by Jenny Jump »

That is so awesome! I have been where you are at right now and it gets buckets better.
"I know what I am, I know what you think I am, but I refuse to be that simple." -Nomy Lamm
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Re: The Official It's Getting Better Thread

Post by marathonbar »

Congrats Jenny! That is so exciting. That's a huge victory in my book.
I'm ready to live a life of joy.
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