The story... (apologize for the length)
Was taken on a trip to Hawaii, supposed to be a gift from my mom's husband. I had never been, and she "needed" to go. I posted about this previously that one of the reasons I went was because I was terrified of being viewed as ungrateful. A common word she has used towards me.
So I love photography and I think I have a natural eye for it. My mom agrees. Less than a week after we got back (early March) she started pestering me for my pictures. My HUNDREDS of photos that I needed to sort through. The pictures I didn't want on Facebook and I didn't want to send her the originals since I knew she would post them on her Facebook. As far as I'm concerned, they are my photos and I do have a say in where they go. She also brought in one of her friends to the conversations asking for them. It pissed me off that she would do that, like a witness to my "bad behaviour".
For a few reasons I haven't finished sorting. I've spent about 3 hours on them already, maybe more and I just couldn't get the motivation to sit there for hours going through them the last few months. I also haven't made important Doctor's appointments, taxes, and other things that I need to do, so honestly the pictures didn't matter. I was also being a brat, I recognize that. Every email I received asking for them, resulted in me not caring for another week. My mom "demanding" I send her ALL of them, completely disregarding my wishes. I took the pictures with a camera that was GIVEN to me a few years ago as a xmas GIFT. One that other family members helped with, one that brought me to tears I was so grateful...
So, last week my mom asked again, copying her friend on the email asking for them. This friend also emailed me saying she wanted to see them. (WTF? I don't know this person) Sure my reply probably wasn't the nicest, but I was frustrated. I had also finally admitted to myself that I wasn't happy with a lot of them, I have more talent than those pics would suggest. Again, I recognize part of my laziness regarding the pics was because I was rebelling like a child, I get that. It's tough to not react like a child, when you're treated like one... I also think I was baiting her for the inevitable...
Got the email telling me AGAIN telling me what she thinks of me, what her husband & friend think of me. Same BS I've been hearing since I was a kid...
"I'm totally ashamed of you.
I really thought I'd brought you up better. "
"Which we bought you.(the camera) As well as a $4000 trip.
Not a thank you for the trip. Nothing new."
"We're done"
I've had it. I'm done with this - here is my reply. I'm sharing with you all because I felt so empowered to finally tell her to shut it. Unfortunately it didn't mean shit. In an email to her friend in Hawaii she said "has finally agreed to give me the pix" Too late to teach an old dog new tricks I guess, but I had to put my foot down... at 32... (my sis was bcc'd and called me to give me props - she's had enough of her too)
1) I am done listening to you tell me how you are ashamed of me, how disappointed you are in me, how you brought me up better, how ungrateful I am. I've been hearing these things for more than half of my life. I would explain the damage it has done, but I doubt you would recognize it as such. Just that I was looking for attention. Living your life constantly hearing how much of a disappointment you does a number on your emotional well-being, self esteem and feelings of self worth. I will not tolerate it any more. No more telling me how others think I'm a shitty person. I've had more than 15 years of that from you, I refuse to hear it again.
2) Gifts. it's become apparent that gifts aren't exactly gifts. A camera that was "given" to me years ago, with the help of others from what I recall, doesn't actually belong to me if I interpret your words correctly. Since YOU "gave" me the camera am I forever in your debt? Do I owe you every single photo I have taken since you "gave" it to me? The trip that (HUSBAND) paid for was supposed to be a "gift" as well, from what I was told. Yet, I knew it would be held against me, that it would come up that I was ungrateful in some form or another. Do you know that the only reason I accepted the "gift" was because I was fearful if I declined that I would be seen as ungrateful. Damned if I do, damned if I don't. Since gifts are a part of Christmas, I will most likely not be participating this year. I will not play into the manipulative tactics of holding "gifts" against me.
I will be sending you a disc with all the pictures on it so you can sort through them like you wanted. You can use the hour that you expect it to take and do it on your own. I can see how much these photos mean to you, so have them. Have them all. Post them wherever you want, since they don't actually belong to me I don't have an opinion.
The guilt trips and manipulation are not ok. You've been doing this for as long as I can remember and I do not have to tolerate it.
Enjoy the pictures.