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need to finish my last paper this week!

Posted: August 3rd, 2013, 10:33 am
by duck1
That is what I more or less agreed to with my husband. I get a week off and I complete my last paper for my dgreeand then our life is supposed to become more normal :)

If I had to do it in "my own pace" or the "natural" pace it would have taken a month. I would have let it cook longer. enjoy the passive learning part of it, letting things sink in, waking up and the morning and having a 10 times better wording for a thought and all that other bull****.

But since I don't live in a vaccum and I do have commitments I'm going to have to be efficient.

Re: need to finish my last paper this week!

Posted: August 5th, 2013, 9:01 pm
by weary
Good luck, duck1! Kudos to you for committing to focus on powering through and finishing it. I know that I would be much less stressed and feel better if I was more skilled at setting and following through on self-imposed deadlines to stem my tendencies for procrastination and perfectionism.

Re: need to finish my last paper this week!

Posted: August 8th, 2013, 10:05 am
by duck1
Thanks Weary.

I had the paper printed today, going to hand it in next week.

I took a week off for writing it (sort of) it was sort of an agreement with my husband.

Whenever I felt that what I am writing is mediocre, I said - f*** it, I gave up on being a scholar... It doesn't have to be supreb.