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Posted: October 27th, 2013, 6:02 am
by duck1
I got accepted to a job, I worked as a temp for one year and now got tenure.

This is my first month.

All though I got accepted and signed a contract etc, part of the requirements is that an occupational clinic "evaluates my suitability to the posisiton".

So HR sent me this form, that is supposed to go directly to the physician where your supposed to check of if you have mental issues and you take meds etc (which obviusly I have, not huge issues, but they are documented).

The way it works around here is that the after you sign "waiver of confidentiality" the physican can punch in your ID number and bam, he has all the data,
so I really don't know what to do -check of the relevant rubrics and pray that physician is a reasonable guy and undertands that even though I have a, b, c - i've been doing the job now for a while and doing it just fine?

or should I hide the truth and send a clean uncomplicated form, and hope the physician doesn't punch my number in the computer.

I suppose the whole idea of this form is like for real physical things - allergies, or stuff, but I don't know, this whole disclosing thing scares me, and I really like my job and will be devastated to lose it.

Thanks for listening.

Re: scared

Posted: October 27th, 2013, 9:13 am
by Herself
1. If you lie and they find out, you'll surely be fired. And if anyone asks later, the reason for dismissal will be dishonesty, and that can follow you.

2. So many people have mental health issues and take medication. You don't say what kind of job it is, but do you think this will be a dealbreaker?

3. You haven't been there long, but is there anyone you trust to ask for advice?

Re: scared

Posted: October 27th, 2013, 9:52 am
by duck1
thanks for all the good points herself.

Re: scared

Posted: October 27th, 2013, 10:57 am
by oak

I totally understand everything you wrote, and feel for you. I'd feel much the same way, with much the same concerns. I honor your concern, fr the following reasons:

If you lie, then they can fire you for lying.

Of course, this brings up deep questions of why they need to know, and what they will do with it.

Personally, at work, the only thing I care about is doing a proper job, leaving for the day, and getting the paycheck. That's all. The medical/sexual/whatever choices of my coworkers is here nor there, so long as it doesn't interfere with the three golden goals above.

This also gets into the "guilty until proven innocent" area: is there any reason to believe that your (or anyone's) medical choices have any direct impact on the performance of your job? Troubling.

Also, the time to assess a candidate's "suitability for the position" is ideally during the interview process. If not, why bother interviewing?

As far as them firing you because of your medical history: if they decide to fire you, they'll find some CYB reason that ostensibly won't have anything to do with your medical history.

Lastly, just like a dating situation, at work we gotta be willing to walk away from any situation at any rate for any or no reason.

Also, I have found out the hard way that "employment contracts" mean nothing to the whims of the employer.

I dislike being such a Negative Nancy, since I agree with everything you wrote. :)

It is a tough world out there. Congratulations on getting hired. You'll be okay. Good luck out there.

Re: scared

Posted: October 27th, 2013, 7:14 pm
by Cinnamon
Do not lie, for a job application, mortgage application, etc.
It is not just the job/loan/etc because a dishonesty charge will follow you: for example, if you ever are in court as witness or defendant - any past dishonesty can be used against you in court and it becomes public record at trial.
And, it will always make you feel one down there, like you may get "found out", and that is debilitating.
and, there are so many ways to have this information out there....

I have no idea what field or position you are in but this seems intrusive to me for most work if it doesn't impact your work.
I think for one think you need to review your medical records like one views credit reports,
two,is this your doctor or theirs?
in other words, who pays him? he has both legal and moral requirements to the employer and to his license-ethics to be honest

I think you have to be honest and proceed if you want this particular job but I would verify WHO has access once waived - only the physician to "certify you" OR anyone in human resources or management who may not understand the issues?
And how long is this stored? forever? length of employment....

That being said, I think its intrusive and creepy and I think that its to protect them, if you are fired, or there is ever a lawsuit against them...
I think if common, it will dissuade people from getting the help they need.

Re: scared

Posted: October 29th, 2013, 12:57 pm
by weary
Hey duck1.

I agree with the other posters. I don't think you should lie or try to cover it up. Let things happen as they may. If they are going to not want to have you working there because you are you and have the life experiences that you have, in the long run you're not going to be happy there. I don't know where you live and what laws may apply - if there is a legitimate reason that they need to check certain things in your medical records, it still shouldn't mean that your medical records or any other information are an open book.

Having issues with depression/anxiety and taking meds shouldn't disqualify anyone from a job, so long as you are actually able to do the job. Who would you rather have working for you - the person who realized that their depression/anxiety was a problem, so they sought help/therapy/medication for it, or the person who was too scared to deal with their problems so never sought help (and therefore, has no diagnosis or medical record...)?

Good luck.

Re: scared

Posted: October 30th, 2013, 10:45 am
by duck1
Thank you everyone.

It was very meaningful to me to get all your responses and support!

I also spoke about this dilema with a friend of mine who is a lawyer and an aquaitance who is a physician which also empowered me.

I handed in the forms with the revelaing my Diagnoses and meds I take.

The HR policy of my workplace is unethical and I think maybe even borderline illegal.

It says on the forms that the candidate/employee should send the forms DIRECTLY to the occupational clinic, and the clinic, after evaluating the information, sends HR an evaluation as of the candidate/employee's sutiability to the position.

But HR leaves in the forms the addres of the occupational clinic, and reuquire the candidate/employee to send them the forms and they send it to the occupational clinic.

anyway I am much more at peace now that this is behind me and "not in my hands" literally and figuratively.