I'm doing some writing and....

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I'm doing some writing and....

Post by meh »

At my therapist's and wife's suggestion, I'm doing some writing. My therapist wants me to do the full blown Artist's Way but I'm not ready for that just yet.


I started bashing out a few essays on depression, etc etc. Really superficial stuff.

Yesterday morning I was doing the same when out of the blue my fingers started working on their own and out came some really painful, personal stuff. Out of nowhere. Stuff I'm aware of but not ready to really deal with. There it was, out on the screen.

I had a therapy session in the afternoon. I didn't mention what happened but the session on the whole was a good and productive hour.

This morning I started another essay and the same thing happened. Since then I'm in a state somewhere between anxiety, depression, and full blown mania. Maybe I'm having some sort of breakthrough. Or breakdown.

Anyone else go through this?
"Of course you have an active inner life, you're bipolar"
my therapist.
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Re: I'm doing some writing and....

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Keep on writing! Get it all out. All the best to you, meh, cheers!
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Re: I'm doing some writing and....

Post by littlem »

Writing has helped me so much through my depression and anxiety. In my worst state, I even found that when writing fiction the characters would end up dealing with similar abuse or feelings to what I experienced. I think writing is a great way for us to process things and release bottled up emotions.

I say let the words flow!
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Re: I'm doing some writing and....

Post by Stan »

hi there! just continue what are you doing right now, i can't tell you enough how writing help me boost my emotional barrier. i write whenever i feel sad, and somehow helps me a lot. whenever something bad happened, i convert it to a short story and post it to some literally sites, somehow, good comments pour and it makes me happy. wish you all the luck.
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