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My Co dependence - it sucks - Help!

Posted: June 29th, 2016, 6:44 am
by Imissmysun
So I was listening to one of the shows and the guest was talking about their co -dependence and I was like - Oh My GOd that's me! - she is talking about me!!! - I had the eureka moment I should have had oh I don't know maybe 25 or so years ago--

Anyway, after speaking to my therapist and considering support groups I am not sure if a support group full of co-dependents is the best fit for me - the last thing I want is to become codependent on another codependent for help - I think that may be a spiraling disaster...

The issue being I need help for it - I want to change my thought patterns - I put my whole being on the back burner for my person. I will put everything I have into one relationship and leave my own needs in a receptacle in the vestages of my brain where I don't even remember they exist -

I find it very hard to give attention to more than one person - I think this is why I have such a hard time making and keeping friends because this way of living is depleting and exhausting - when you live 100% for someone else it sucks all your vitae out - and you never think to replace it - (enter melancholy depression, feelings of self doubt anxiety and all other insidious awful thoughts)

Has anyone else over come this?

Please help

Thank you

Re: My Co dependence - it sucks - Help!

Posted: July 6th, 2016, 10:45 pm
by HowDidIGetHere
I totally get the hesitance. I mean, a group for people who have trouble maintaining boundaries with other people does seem like courting disaster, doesn't it? My experience with support groups, though, has shown me that even if you keep yourself completely to yourself, there's value in just hearing someone else say out loud the stuff that you were sure you'd take to the grave with you.

The advice I always heard was to try six meetings before you decide whether it's right for you or not, but I think just starting with one is enough.

Re: My Co dependence - it sucks - Help!

Posted: July 7th, 2016, 5:55 am
by Imissmysun
Thank you so much I will keep that in mind...

I am going to keep revisiting that thought - my life is really chaotic as of late so it is really hard to find any "me" time - I am going to keep doing research and keep an open line to my therapist and see if there is anything else she proposes.

She gets my weird triggers and idiocyncracies -