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Lie to Yourself
Posted: August 15th, 2011, 12:37 pm
by American Russ
I really can't stand how much I lie to myself. It's ridiculous. I'm doing the lying and the believing. I think it's getting out of control. I can watch myself self-destruct and sometimes feel like doing nothing about it. What the hell? Any tips? Do tips for lying to yourself even exist? How do you truly catch yourself in the lie and stop and do something about it?
Re: Lie to Yourself
Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 7:10 pm
by shelj
It was a really bad habit, and I still find myself lying to me . usually I have some idea why - something I don't want to look at in my life, skirting around the need to change. Lying to myself keeps me in a difficult but known emotional state.
when I'm calmer and less likely to beat myself up, I look at what my lies are covering over. don't try too hard while upset, for me it just spirals into self loathing. these days I can get over it or stay out of it pretty well, but it has taken alot of patience and work.
hope this helps somebody.