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Space and finding yourself

Posted: June 19th, 2012, 3:29 pm
by Hidalgo
I have spent a lot of time identifying with form. More than I ever want to again. I feel like a lot of the anger I carried was preventing me from feeling depressed, although I still remember being numb most of the time. Going into some type of therapy, I am not sure how I should assess the questions that I am being asked. Today was the initial session and I am recognizing depression and don't want to be consumed by it. I want discipline and goals. Things are becoming more apparent and scary and I don't want any false memories to get in the way. Today I will finish reading a book and start another. Also if anyone is pleasantly viewing my activity on the shared network which I am currently posting on, it feels really uncomfortable just wondering what must drive that, and I hope you never have to understand on a personal level what I am talking about. Now please go fuck yourself.

Re: Space and finding yourself

Posted: June 20th, 2012, 8:14 am
by manuel_moe_g
Hello Hidalgo. I think you are saying that you don't want to lose your identity to the diagnosis of depression.

Re: Space and finding yourself

Posted: July 5th, 2012, 11:57 am
by jessy27
We all have our problems so don't feel like your alone in the world. The important thing is how we choose to deal
with them and not let them destroy our lives. Even if you choose to not deal with them your still making a choice. :)