Checking in . . . Facebook assholes and other assholes
Posted: October 21st, 2013, 10:32 pm
GOD!! What the fuck is it with people? I feel sorry for younger people today -- this generation is so incredibly mean-spirited and spoiled, it's truly hard to fathom. Someone (in their 20's) has created a facebook group for alumni from my college alma mater, with the express purpose of business networking, and he was AN INCREDIBLE ASSHOLE to me on facebook. I mean like school yard asshole. Do people REALLY talk this way in a professional venue??? And as it turns out, not just to me -- he evidently blocked one of his own administrators today and has intimidated another one. He's being a real little dictator, making up all sorts of silly rules and then yelling at people (like me and the admin) if we (politely) ask about the reasoning behind it. Looked at his personal fb page and his mommy is very successful in the same line of work -- so obviously he feels entitled because he's mommy's special little boy. JeSUS!
The funny part is is that I apologized PROFUSELY and got the little dickwad to feel a teensy bit bad about his behavior, so he back petaled and offered me a concession. What a douche bag. Christ.
The funny part is is that I apologized PROFUSELY and got the little dickwad to feel a teensy bit bad about his behavior, so he back petaled and offered me a concession. What a douche bag. Christ.