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New to Support groups (Underearners Anonymous)

Posted: January 19th, 2014, 1:23 pm
by mjEnzo
Hi all,

I'm in my 40s, and have never experienced the support group culture.
I was introduced to the Underearners Anonymous concept about a year ago. I was open to it initially, but after 2 in-person meetings and one phone meeting, i'm not feeling optimistic about it.
I know Paul has talked about going 10 or 20 times to give it a chance and get used to the system, but I'm not motivated to revisit at the moment.

Wondering if other have had similar experiences? and anybody had experience with UA? would love to discuss.



Re: New to Support groups (Underearners Anonymous)

Posted: January 20th, 2014, 5:00 pm
by oak
Hey mj.

Congrats on taking that bold step.

I would be interested in learning: was it the content of ua that turned you off, the people? I ask not to judge but rather to understand.

I ask because i knew immediately that i was home when i went to my first debtors anonymous meeting. It was wonderful.

I have considerably less connection through phone meetings for both da (my first love) and ua.

Of course i am not criticizing ua: i celebrate it, especially considering how underearning is paradoxically at once both not understood and so sadly common.

It is good to keep trying meetings. In da they always talked about at least six. I found it helpful to do any-any- service. Also, i got connected by arriving early, staying late, and calling anyone who would give me their number.

Another question: do you identify as an underearner? Do you think ua can help you?

Again i ask, not to judge, but to understand.

Lastly, i have found underearning to be the real deal. It has dragged me through the gutter, let me assure you.

But there is hope. I am doing better, and hope that you find the healing you are seeking, wherever you may find it.

Re: New to Support groups (Underearners Anonymous)

Posted: January 20th, 2014, 5:03 pm
by oak
To answer your post:

Speaking strictly for myself, i found many of the ua phone meeting partipants to be, frankly, rude. I found it to be a hostile envirnment.

But maybe i have been spoiled by the love i have recieved in debtors anonymous.

So results may vary, but that was my distinct experience.