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First weeks of antidepressants akin to cocaine?

Posted: March 17th, 2014, 5:51 pm
by emptyburden
I recently told my psychiatrist that being on Wellbutrin alone felt like taking cocaine and she said that that was highly inaccurate (she is a bit of a dick though). Has anyone else felt like that after being in a major depressive episode and starting antidepressants? My mind was just faster at trumping up images of death and dying. Risperidone magically made each day better than the last in terms of being able to think of meals and other tasks and not about, you know, manic death thoughts.

Along with the tight jaw and neck and dry mouth, I really felt like I had snorted a line of coke. Anyone else?

Re: First weeks of antidepressants akin to cocaine?

Posted: March 19th, 2014, 9:28 pm
by rivergirl
I think reactions to any medications can be very different depending on your genetic makeup. It kind of makes me question your psychiatrist's judgment that she said your feelings are "inaccurate". She isn't inside your head and she can't know what it feels like to you. I've never taken Wellbutrin but I've taken other psychiatric medications and even medications prescribed for medical conditions that have affected me badly mentally even though they don't cause a problem for the majority of patients. This is one of the things that sucks so much about the process of trial and error in figuring out which medications work for you. I hope you don't give up though, even if you have to try to switch psychiatrists if this one doesn't take your concerns seriously (translation: if she is still being a dick). Sending wishes for good health & more peaceful thoughts your way!