Forum Thread Suggestion: Diaries

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Forum Thread Suggestion: Diaries

Post by gfyourself »

I would like to see a thread where people can have kind of a diary that doesn't necessarily relate to a specific forum sub-topic. It could be used for daily/periodic updates. I am thinking of starting one of these but would like to put it in a thread like this.
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Re: Forum Thread Suggestion: Diaries

Post by duck1 »

i like that idea.
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Re: Forum Thread Suggestion: Diaries

Post by manuel_moe_g »

I like to post diary type stuff in "Things that help ease your depression's impact on you"

I personally cannot do it daily because you all would hate me for being such a lazy lump. :oops: :( ;) :lol:

Please take care, cheers! :D
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Re: Forum Thread Suggestion: Diaries

Post by kitkat »

Wow, I love that idea! I tend to post like this in the forum as it is, so it would be nice to have a proper topic for it. :)
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Re: Forum Thread Suggestion: Diaries

Post by Paul Gilmartin »

Great idea. I'll create one.

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Re: Forum Thread Suggestion: Diaries

Post by tazy »

where people can have kind of a diary that doesn't necessarily relate to a specific forum sub-topic. It could be used for daily/periodic updates. I am thinking of starting one of these but would like to put it in a thread like this.
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