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Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) thread?

Posted: January 24th, 2018, 2:39 pm
by AdmiralIndigoish
Hi all, fairly new to the forum but not to the podcast.

I was wondering if we could add an HSP thread?

I am a highly sensitive person as per Dr. Elaine Aron's test: and it helped me a lot to understand this. Dr. Aron is a psychologist who researches differences in the brain of HSPs etc. (source:
Albeit I was forced into noisy/high stimuli environments by my parents so I learned how to navigate them.

Dr. Aron would also be super awesome to interview but she is herself an HSP so who knows.

I didn't see a thread asking about this so I thought I would bring it up. Thanks!

Re: Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) thread?

Posted: March 22nd, 2018, 6:45 am
by Not Ready Yet
Hi AdmiralIndigoish,

Just saw this topic today... I'd be open to talking about HSP topics with you, if you're still interested. IDK if we can start our own sub-forum, but we could probably start an HSP thread under 'Do other people feel like you do' on the 'Non Disordered Struggles' sub-forum.

I'd be interested in hearing how you think learning about HSP helped you. LMK if you're still interested. And if anyone else who identifies as HSP is reading this, feel free to to respond as well. ;)

Re: Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) thread?

Posted: March 22nd, 2018, 11:51 am
by AdmiralIndigoish
Hi Not Ready Yet!
Yeah I am still interested! :D , not sure how to go about it but I am in!

Re: Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) thread?

Posted: March 29th, 2018, 6:10 pm
by Not Ready Yet
Hi AdmiralIndigoish,

I started an HSP thread here: See you over there.