Non-Profit Mental Illness Happy Hour ???

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Joined: January 14th, 2013, 6:25 pm

Non-Profit Mental Illness Happy Hour ???

Post by kesselfleisch »


I adore your show, and want to help you realize your goal of making it your full-time job.

I was curious if you'd considered making the MIHH a non-profit organization. To do so, you need to do a few things
1. Fill a need....a mission of _"improving awareness of mental illness and possible treatments through social media"_.
2. Find a target've already done that
3. Establish a board....You and perhaps some former guests, or thought leaders on therapy and medication
4. Make the appropriate filing & maintain annual filings with financial statements

With this complete, you would be able to collect donations with the added incentive of tax-deductability. Your donors would not only get to make a meaningful contribution to your beautiful mission, but get a tax deduction & a chance to win a cutting board.

Think about it. I'd love to help.
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