Mind Body and Trauma

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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by snoringdog »

You both make me laugh!
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by Mental Fairy »

If we didn’t laugh about it all I’m sure we would be looking for a ladder and not a plunger!
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by Mental Fairy »

Has anyone read “what my bones know” author is Stephanie Foo.

OMG what a book!

It’s about CPTSD. Super interesting.
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by snoringdog »

If we didn’t laugh about it all I’m sure we would be looking for a ladder and not a plunger!
Another laugh! Thanks.

(Have not read the book, but looking at reviews)
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by Mental Fairy »

Hey Beautiful People

Week is long currently.

Attended a yoga class that had sound scape music being played by instructor. Was absolutely beautiful music and the yoga was very therapeutic but more energetic than the Yin Yoga.
Donya seemed to enjoy it.

We have been trying so many different things to see what works for us, what brings us back to calm and resting the mind. Currently I’m torn between last nights experience and Yin.

I got home and my darling husband pointed out when I bend over he could see my underwear through my yoga pants. It was then I realised I was at the front of the class the entire time and in some positions the people behind me would have got an eyeful! They were thankfully very old people so I’m hoping their eye sight is compromised! When I say old they were maybe in their 80s. I am not sure I can go back to class!

Tonight I am again putting myself to the test and attending an indoor Michael Jackson honour night. I’ve booked tickets for everyone from work so we are all going. I’m not worried about going to the show, it’s just going to be a late night and I have an early start. Plus I take medication to help sleep and not sure when to take it.

My next mission is booking a surprise trip for Donya next year. She knows we going to do a girls weekend away but I won’t tell her where. Just that we are going for three days.
Plan is South Island retreat in the Lewis Pass of South Island. Something for her to aim for as she’s aware things are changing. Sadly her cancer is back and more surgery next week. This will be her third fight. I can’t imagine losing such a friend, it would break me to bits. She’s the first solid, non judgmental friend I’ve ever had.

I was so pleased to see photos of your pets. Made my heart sing.

Better go do some work.
Kiwi love to you all. 🥝
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by Mental Fairy »

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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by Mental Fairy »

Hi Team

Show was good. Not impressive but good. Donya had an absolute blast. My boss and his wife attended with us also. When we were walking back to the car along the beachfront I looked up at the stars and immediately thought of you all.

Got home about 11pm, never took my medication. MASSIVE mistake. Monkey brain went madly around in circles. I couldn’t be bothered getting up to take them, i decided to observe.
I’ve not slept. Not even for an hour. Have to be at surgery in 30min and feeling really odd. I can’t risk not taking my medication. I’ve been on it for 18 years and this had thrown me.

Will push through today and hope it goes fast.
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Good luck, Mental Fairy
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by snoringdog »

....never took my medication. MASSIVE mistake. Monkey brain went madly around in circles. I couldn’t be bothered getting up to take them, i decided to observe.
I’ve not slept.......I can’t risk not taking my medication. I’ve been on it for 18 years and this had thrown me..
You miss it one goddamm time, and they never let you forget about it! ;)

Hope you're OK! Let us know.
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Re: Mind Body and Trauma

Post by Mental Fairy »

Mental Note: Do not take your medication before Yin Yoga. Falling asleep on pigeon pose in the space of 3min is not ideal!
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