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Found Poetry

Posted: January 28th, 2021, 6:42 pm
by remarks
How found poetry works is you take phrases from others and arrange them into something new. It could be song lyrics, signs, overheard conversations, anything really. Here's a couple of found poems I "wrote":

Just a friendly reminder
When the fun stops
No spitting on the floor
Please remove your boots
Trust in God but lock your car
Hope for you and yours
Compassion is revolution

(taken from overheard conversations at a casino)

That place was packed
What does that say about me?
Be nice and don’t draw attention to yourself
What are you doing, taking a test?
That’s what it says in the Bible
Yeah, you need to get out of it
It’s like a menagerie
It’s a lifestyle thing
I hope you forget what I look like

(taken from overheard conversations at a coffee shop)

Re: Found Poetry

Posted: January 29th, 2021, 5:59 am
by oak
I love it!

Here is one I remember from my undergrad years:

“If I get towed you’re paying for it”.

Keep listening and sharing!

Each is like those six-word novels.

Re: Found Poetry

Posted: January 29th, 2021, 6:46 pm
by remarks
Good one, Oak!

It dawned on me when I was listening to today's episode: Paul makes found poetry when he takes clips of different guests and puts them over the theme song.

Re: Found Poetry

Posted: January 31st, 2021, 6:16 pm
by oak
I thought you this morning, Remarks, when I was at the grocery store.

I saw a local, a big guy, flush with overweening confidence, holding court in the line.

"Oooh this is going to be good" I thought to myself "I'll be able to share with Remarks in the forum some overly-confident foolishness."

All I heard was: "And they won't LET you do it..."

From the context I'm 90% sure he was either explaining a QAnon theory or talking about the Reddit users sticking it to the shorters.

I think you know exactly the sort of person I'm describing: much as I dislike the term "Karen", he was pure male-Karen: just so sure of himself.

Sometimes we just can't get that sweet overheard nonsense that is oh so delicious and satisfying.

Re: Found Poetry

Posted: February 1st, 2021, 7:00 pm
by remarks
Thanks for sharing, Oak. I'm flattered that you thought of me!

That's the way to enjoy the little things in life, just observing what's around you. Sometimes I witness something ridiculous/annoying/over the top and think, "This will make a good story to tell somebody later." It usually does.