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A Mental Pod to call your own

Posted: March 22nd, 2013, 10:04 pm
by JTP
Hello everybody. Long time listener, first time poster. I had this idea: Wouldn't it be great, whenever you needed to scream to the Heavens, "Why me, God?" or perhaps to your elephant neighbors upstairs, "Fuck you to Hell! I'm gonna cut your fucking legs off and beat you, and the entire HOA who haven't done shit about making you put down a carpet --to death with them," or just needed to quiet your mind, you had a place to do it that wasn't your car, or the woods, or into a hand towel or pillow? Better than great. Awesome! So, with our friend, Paul, in mind I put together this mockup of what could become the world's first, "Mental Pod."
Let's imagine that we could get Paul to build it. Leaving the (sustainable) wood choice to him, what other features should it have?
I have a couple of ideas to start us off:
1) Ipod jack and high fidelity speakers to handle everything from Eckhart Tolle to Slipknot.
2) Fold down bench so you could bounce off the padded walls without cracking your shins.

Re: A Mental Pod to call your own

Posted: March 26th, 2013, 6:46 pm
by Cheldoll
This... is... brilliant.

Re: A Mental Pod to call your own

Posted: April 17th, 2013, 1:30 am
by JTP
Thank you, Cheldoll! :D