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April is National Poetry Month

Posted: April 5th, 2013, 7:43 pm
by Cheldoll
Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been as active on the forums lately. It's not because I don't love all of you -- I've just been caught up in National Poetry Month nonsense, attending live readings around town, going through anthologies at the library, memorizing new poems and reviewing ones I've memorized in the past through a strange drinking game with my boyfriend and cat... I'm a little obsessed.

I know a lot of people find poetry to be a particularly useful coping mechanism and many of you confess to writing off and on, so I just wanted to request more from you poets out there! I love poetry and I love you guys, so I'm sure I'll love the two combined. Take a chance and post a poem or two here -- if that's a little too public for you, please send them to me a private message. It will help me stay connected with this community while I swoon at sonnets and sestinas all month long.

Let me leave you with this lovely piece from Thoreau:
My life has been the poem
I would have writ,
But I could not both live
And utter it