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Drawing of my current state. Angel or a fallen one.

Posted: December 13th, 2013, 1:13 pm
by LostAlice
Hi Everybody,
Long time no talk. Been in a bad place for awhile. Below is a drawing I did of how I'm wondering if I'm a fallen angel trying to do some good in this life but no matter how hard I try, I'm abandoned by all because of my "craziness", and the abandonment also includes God Himself. The prison bars behind me have the watchful eyes of EVERYBODY and no matter what I do or say, I'm basically doomed. I feel like my life was cursed from birth and my only destination at the end is hell.
Hey but on the bright side, I have my plants at home who at least don't judge me.
Does anybody out there relate?
Hugs to you all,

Re: Drawing of my current state. Angel or a fallen one.

Posted: April 24th, 2014, 7:21 pm
by Scratch
Love it yes, the prison bars staring at me feel VERY relatable.