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Mindfulness Moment (poem)

Posted: July 1st, 2014, 6:07 am
by Wren
I used to write poems a lot when I would walk my dog in the mornings. I had to stop because all the pausing in our walks was giving my pooch some anxiety. The well of words and inspiration was feeling pretty dry anyhow so it was no big loss I'm sure. I use my walks now to practice mindfulness and notice all the little tings around me and stay present as much as possible. This morning I caught sight of a little magic moment and for the first time in months a handful of words sprang to mind and I came up with a tiny poem. I'd like to take my poetry and illustrate it one of these days and make a little book. Perhaps if I make progress I'll share it on here for feedback.
[end long prelude to very short poem now]
[begin transmission of very short poem now]

I saw an undulating tree trunk
at the base
near the ground
a silent scrounging
flock of robins
on beasties much smaller than they:

two for one bug buffet


Re: Mindfulness Moment (poem)

Posted: August 17th, 2014, 6:46 pm
by motormom
Oh Wren! That was beautiful. I love how things like that can just come to you.
I too love poetry and often find myself rhyming for no good reason in my head.
You should definitely go for the book. Even if you don't publish, it's a great feeling for yourself.
And kudos on the mindfulness :) That's a hard skill to master but what a life changer!
I'm right with you on the mindfulness walks.

Re: Mindfulness Moment (poem)

Posted: August 18th, 2014, 3:37 pm
by Wren
Thank you! I had forgotten I posted that but it was nice to revisit it and see someone else enjoyed it. I've been having trouble staying grounded and mindful lately, just made a big life change and move...but hopefully I will find my place again.