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Re: Homeschooling special need child

Posted: February 15th, 2014, 6:45 pm
by Exhausted Mom
Hi Wendy,
I have been meaning to reply for a while, but in November I starting healing myself. I am going to therapy for myself and some for my son, but mostly for me and really trying to improve me. Thanks for the internet hug. It means a lot. I return it to you too. It is not an easy life, but I think it makes us stronger, more compassionate mothers.
I truly get the assumption that they should be good at something the moment they decide that is what they want to do. In their headthere is no practicing, no learning, they either can or can't... That is it. I did want to give you an update. My son just finished his nuerofeedback treatment and it was an amazing success. He has started to go to sleep without anxiety, he is expressing himself when he is upset (which in the past he would run away angry or hide) and is able to regulate himself better. I am sorry to hear you cannot afford Neuro. It is expensive. Now he is still oppositional when it comes to correcting everything everyone says, but I guess Rome was not build in a day.
All the best to you and hugs!
Exhausted mom