a repost from the diary section
Posted: October 8th, 2014, 12:03 am
I was really looking for some input about my "problem", so I am posting it here as well as in my diary. Hope someone can relate and shed some light.
I have a feeling that I am not seeing a big part of the picture.
So here goses:
How do i explain when the day comes to my baby (3 years and 9 months) that I don't want anymore children. There are so many reasons and they all make me look so vaulenerable? Will the answers make her think that I didn't want her?
I am overwhelemed by parenting (washing bottles, the endless energy of children, lanudry)_.
While hubby makes a lot of money, my salary is below average and will probably never be high?
That I took prozac during pregnancy and although she came out healthy and smart, I don't want to do this experiment again?
That I probably will not breastfeed (because of the prozac) and I am very pro-breastfeeding?
That I am overweigt, my mom died of diabetes, and I don't want to gain even more weight during pregnancy and have diffuclty losing weight and maintaing a healthy diet after the pregnancy- due to fatigue, lack of time to exercsie and prepare healty food.
If i were to give a completly honest answer it would be.
"Sweety, I love you, you are my angel. Mommy finds adult life overwheleming, just being rational, planning ahead, putting other people needs before mine. She is also moody and needs a lot of time for herself for sleep, exercise. SHe also doesn't make a lot of money.
Therefore, she concluded after having you, that she has limited resources for parenting, and because it was so important for her to raise you properly, she decided she could not have another child".
Thanks for listening.
I was really looking for some input about my "problem", so I am posting it here as well as in my diary. Hope someone can relate and shed some light.
I have a feeling that I am not seeing a big part of the picture.
So here goses:
How do i explain when the day comes to my baby (3 years and 9 months) that I don't want anymore children. There are so many reasons and they all make me look so vaulenerable? Will the answers make her think that I didn't want her?
I am overwhelemed by parenting (washing bottles, the endless energy of children, lanudry)_.
While hubby makes a lot of money, my salary is below average and will probably never be high?
That I took prozac during pregnancy and although she came out healthy and smart, I don't want to do this experiment again?
That I probably will not breastfeed (because of the prozac) and I am very pro-breastfeeding?
That I am overweigt, my mom died of diabetes, and I don't want to gain even more weight during pregnancy and have diffuclty losing weight and maintaing a healthy diet after the pregnancy- due to fatigue, lack of time to exercsie and prepare healty food.
If i were to give a completly honest answer it would be.
"Sweety, I love you, you are my angel. Mommy finds adult life overwheleming, just being rational, planning ahead, putting other people needs before mine. She is also moody and needs a lot of time for herself for sleep, exercise. SHe also doesn't make a lot of money.
Therefore, she concluded after having you, that she has limited resources for parenting, and because it was so important for her to raise you properly, she decided she could not have another child".
Thanks for listening.