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Posted: October 3rd, 2017, 3:43 pm
by Welp
Hello One and All,

So I wanted to start a thread where we could discuss our medications we have tried for OCD, what has helped, what hasn't helped, current struggles,and successes.

So, I have done cognitive behavioral therapy for years. When I am stress free CBT alone can often manage my OCD to a level where it doesn't impair my functioning at all. It's never really been gone, but it isn't visible and I can go about my business.

Recently I returned to college to pursue my dream career. However, the stress of returning to college has resulted in me experiencing some pretty disabling OCD symptoms again. So I went to my doctor and we decided that it was time to try some medications before my OCD gets in the way of me finishing college and moving on with my life. So we started me on 50 mg Fluvoxamine (Luvox) an SSRI that is specifically used for treating OCD symptoms.

Here is the kicker... I'm waking up in the middle of the night with obsessive thoughts about my medication. It will be 3:00 am in the morning and I will be convinced that I'm developing serotonin syndrome. So I think over and over again that I'm having all these symptoms of serotonin syndrome, until I end up getting out of bed and pacing around the apartment in the middle of the night.

The next day I'm really groggy, but I can't tell if that is because of the Fluvoxamine or because of the fact that I spent the night pacing around convinced I have serotonin syndrome. So I have been cutting my dose in half to 25 mg instead of 50 mg, which I know is bad! Also at 25 mg there is probably no chance I have serotonin syndrome. Just... god dammit OCD.

Anyone else have this problem? Any solution?