Is two posts better? :D

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Is two posts better? :D

Post by Nevina »

I lean more toward the compulsive side than the obsessive side. Particularly at work, and it drives me nuts because it slows me down soooo much! And speed is a huge factor in how we're evaluated and how they judge raises and bonuses and just general usefulness of employees. I've tried to stop it, but I'm sure you know how well that has gone. I think it just makes it worse. When I'm tired or stressed or ... well, it can range from Somewhat Interfering In Getting My Job Done to I Am So Sure I Will Be Fired Soon.
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Re: Is two posts better? :D

Post by Selkie »

I don't have OCD but oh my god I am surrounded by it with family. Mom, Dad, Brother, Grandma, Wife. Knowing this many people really shows you how variable the condition is, that its not all hand-washing or counting things. Every one of my family has a very different version. Dad's all about order and organization of objects in his house. He's stressed out when things get moved around or aren't where he thinks they should be. Bro has the "scrupulosity" type, obsessing over the slightest "sins" he does. He's a devout Catholic, so does that make the OCD a sequela or a comorbidity? :lol: Grandma has all kinds of weird rituals around food and medication packaging (like taking new meds and putting them into empty expired bottles). My wife is the germ-phobic type, but also obsesses about chemical contaminants, unforeseen food allergies, and every little itch and pain she feels. Mom is, well, the weird one. She's hard to describe, but the over-arcing concept with her is "lack of insight" and/or "denial." She's probably what's called a "Pure-O" type where there aren't external rituals. She tries extremely hard to make it look like there is nothing wrong with her, but suffered from a variety of strange obsessions about morals, insanity, and violence. But would insist to the point of abject absurdity that her ideas were completely rational.

At the very least everyone's getting treatment, and in recent years we've all really started to open up with each other about it.
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