Moods so intense they feel like they could kill me
Posted: December 28th, 2017, 3:25 pm
Did not know which forum to post this in, I am a 30 year old female, diagnosed with depression at 18 (though have had anxiety & depression as early as I can remember), panic disorder, and most recently a new psychiatrist diagnosed me with type 2 bipolar for the first time ever. She also says I may have ADHD. I tried going on Latuda for the bipolar diagnosis for about two months, but the akathisia (restlessness) side effect was so hellish I went off of it cold turkey. Have returned to my standard Lexapro and Klonopin as needed for panic attacks since then. It's been about 6 months back on that regimen. Don't really know what to do with the bipolar and ADHD diagnosis - we are just monitoring.
I've been having these waves of irritability, more so than usual lately and more intense. I've had them throughout my life, as a teen - I blamed in on the hormones, sometimes I can attribute it to PMS. I would attribute it to being tired or hungry in my 20s when my lifestyle was a little unstable. But as I come close to turning 31, going to therapy weekly and with a pretty good grip on myself (most days), I am growing very weary of these "bad moods" that sweep through entire days and affect everyone around me. I am posting here now because my father just asked me, "Why are you being so mean to everyone?" It broke my spell, slightly - I still feel extremely irritable but having someone notice it quelled the steam a bit.
I feel like the Tazmanian devil with these irritable moods. I get SO IRRITATED at everything around me - the sound of someone's feet on the floor, the sound of anything really - someone talking to me. A slight breeze. My phone going off. I will snap at anyone who comes near me, even when I'm telling myself "be nice, be nice, be nice, breathe..." It just comes out of me like dragon breath. I get angry at noise, sensation, sight, hunger, thirst, communication - anything required of human existence. I need to be left entirely alone when these moods strike, but even when I'm alone, it doesn't cure the bad mood. I just stew by myself in it, but then at least I'm not being toxic to my friends and family. I will generally hide under the covers until it's time to go to sleep, or take a Klonopin if I have to be somewhere, and be in public and around people.
Mostly, these moods are embarrassing. I feel like a toddler that can't get over a tantrum. I try so hard to control them, but it really feels physically out of my control. I'll go for a run and feel angry the entire time, usually quit before my goal is over because my negative thoughts are so controlling.
They happen once or twice a month or so, the only known trigger is lack of sleep - but I've been sleeping OK lately. This week, I've been in a toxic Tazmanian devil mood for the past 3 days, and my entire family has noticed. My Dad asked what to do to make it better and I said "I don't know." I truly don't. It feels out of my control. If I felt like this all the time I'd be much more aggressive about getting to the bottom of it, but it sweeps through me and then it's gone, and I figure it was just PMS/sleep/situational. Rinse and repeat.
I've been Googling "bad moods that feel out of control" and the like, but it only lands me on PMS, pregnancy and sleep hygiene articles. I want to connect with people who know what I am talking about. It's so exhausting and like I said, embarrassing to experience around other people because I cannot control it. I don't want to be mean or snap toward people.
Could this have anything to do with the bipolar diagnosis my new psychiatrist gave me, and being mistreated for it?
Did not know which forum to post this in, I am a 30 year old female, diagnosed with depression at 18 (though have had anxiety & depression as early as I can remember), panic disorder, and most recently a new psychiatrist diagnosed me with type 2 bipolar for the first time ever. She also says I may have ADHD. I tried going on Latuda for the bipolar diagnosis for about two months, but the akathisia (restlessness) side effect was so hellish I went off of it cold turkey. Have returned to my standard Lexapro and Klonopin as needed for panic attacks since then. It's been about 6 months back on that regimen. Don't really know what to do with the bipolar and ADHD diagnosis - we are just monitoring.
I've been having these waves of irritability, more so than usual lately and more intense. I've had them throughout my life, as a teen - I blamed in on the hormones, sometimes I can attribute it to PMS. I would attribute it to being tired or hungry in my 20s when my lifestyle was a little unstable. But as I come close to turning 31, going to therapy weekly and with a pretty good grip on myself (most days), I am growing very weary of these "bad moods" that sweep through entire days and affect everyone around me. I am posting here now because my father just asked me, "Why are you being so mean to everyone?" It broke my spell, slightly - I still feel extremely irritable but having someone notice it quelled the steam a bit.
I feel like the Tazmanian devil with these irritable moods. I get SO IRRITATED at everything around me - the sound of someone's feet on the floor, the sound of anything really - someone talking to me. A slight breeze. My phone going off. I will snap at anyone who comes near me, even when I'm telling myself "be nice, be nice, be nice, breathe..." It just comes out of me like dragon breath. I get angry at noise, sensation, sight, hunger, thirst, communication - anything required of human existence. I need to be left entirely alone when these moods strike, but even when I'm alone, it doesn't cure the bad mood. I just stew by myself in it, but then at least I'm not being toxic to my friends and family. I will generally hide under the covers until it's time to go to sleep, or take a Klonopin if I have to be somewhere, and be in public and around people.
Mostly, these moods are embarrassing. I feel like a toddler that can't get over a tantrum. I try so hard to control them, but it really feels physically out of my control. I'll go for a run and feel angry the entire time, usually quit before my goal is over because my negative thoughts are so controlling.
They happen once or twice a month or so, the only known trigger is lack of sleep - but I've been sleeping OK lately. This week, I've been in a toxic Tazmanian devil mood for the past 3 days, and my entire family has noticed. My Dad asked what to do to make it better and I said "I don't know." I truly don't. It feels out of my control. If I felt like this all the time I'd be much more aggressive about getting to the bottom of it, but it sweeps through me and then it's gone, and I figure it was just PMS/sleep/situational. Rinse and repeat.
I've been Googling "bad moods that feel out of control" and the like, but it only lands me on PMS, pregnancy and sleep hygiene articles. I want to connect with people who know what I am talking about. It's so exhausting and like I said, embarrassing to experience around other people because I cannot control it. I don't want to be mean or snap toward people.
Could this have anything to do with the bipolar diagnosis my new psychiatrist gave me, and being mistreated for it?