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Everyone's a little bipolar

Posted: April 1st, 2013, 9:31 am
by meh
Do you all read Natasha Tracy's blog? You should....

She hits the nail on the head here... "Everyone's a little bipolar" is shorthand for "buck up camper, we all get a bit sad now and then..." To which I reply "So you think about suicide all the time too?" ... ne-bipolar

Re: Everyone's a little bipolar

Posted: April 4th, 2013, 10:39 am
by Geek
It burns me up when someone says shit like that to me. Buck up, or my personal favorite "don't wear your heart on your sleeve". As if they know what we go through. We can't (or at least I can't ) control how we feel. I can't control the depression or mania; I know that medicine helps but it's not 100%. I too think there's still a lot of work to do on erasing the stigma. Thanks for sharing the blog.

Re: Everyone's a little bipolar

Posted: June 10th, 2013, 4:19 am
by Livian82
ok so you want to trade places and be a LITTLE bipolar? Want to wake up in an obs room one morning with no fucking idea how you got there? Want to go on mood stablisers for 12 months and lose complete interest in anything you ever felt passionate about? OK, go to your doc and say hey I'm a little bipolar. See where it gets you... I FUCKING DARE YOU.


Thanks for posting.