Suggestions for a father of a BiPolar
Posted: October 1st, 2014, 1:23 pm
Hi, I am a single father of two boys. My oldest has, over the last couple years, been showing increased signs of mania and mood swings. He was finally diagnosed this last month as having BiPolar Type 2. While we are starting to medicate and trying different treatment plans, including a mix of counseling and medications, I am still at the end of my rope on certain things and I do not know what to do. The biggest issue is that he has decided that since he is miserable all the time, that his brother needs to be too, and that it is now his job to make sure it happens. He starts out doing things that you might see as normal pestering, like moving things in his room, interrupting a tv show or talking over him, but then just doesn't stop, just continues on and on until not only his little brother, but me doesn't know what to do or how to make it stop. Several nights his little brother will just come in my room to sleep or sleep on the couch just to get away from his own room because my oldest son won't stop.
These little things build and we get more stressed until it gets to the point that he flips this switch in his head and now he is mad at both of us. Nothing will change that, he is now mad and he will tell us why he is mad, even if he has to make something up. He does it all, we are lazy interruptions to his life. He will look for things he can destroy, throw things, destroy his brothers bedroom, hit both his brother and me. Until it all becomes just too much and the depression switch is thrown. Now he's crying and his world is horrible and nothing can ever make it better. There is no consoling him, there is no making it better, there is nothing I seem to be able to do to break through. He doesn't deserve anything and will take things out of his room that I have given him because he is scum and shouldn't have them. Then suddenly as all the others the classic manic switch comes on and he is wired, awake and has grand ideas. We are going to have everyone over for christmas and all he has to do is spotlessly clean the entire house, or he will be able to do such in such if all he just finishes so and so. He never quite finishes the task he plans, usually because its just too big of a task, but he will stay up and manic for a couple days, mad at anyone that doesn't help him exactly as he wants them too, working to his goal.
There is a point where his goals are all realized as being too big and he is completely defeated and he crashes. What wakes up is my normal kid, apologetic and happy, ready to seize the day. He will stay in this stable apparently regular kid mode for anywhere from the rest of that day to even up to a week, until something flips that first switch where he decides it will be fun to play a joke that he doesn't know when to stop, or pester his brother past when it isn't fun for anyone, or something like that and starts the cycle all over again. These cycles are not a given 24 hours or what have you. Each step can last a new random amount of time each time around. I have seen the entire cycle finish in one day, but in a very stressful long month, I saw it take almost a month to finish.
I tell you all this so you can see exactly what I am seeing in my day to day and trying to deal with. I know that the treatment plans will eventually break through and start giving our family some sort of normalcy and relaxation. I am hoping maybe someone on this forum can give me some advice of what they have experienced with their kids, or even someone that is bipolar and can tell me what you in this horrible cycle know can help from those around you. I don't necessarily want to just stop his cycle. I recognize that he is only doing this because of something he is going through himself and we just tend to take the brunt of some of it as those closest to him, but if there is a way to make it easier on him so that he has less brunt to put out, I would love that. I know there is no magic pill, and no magic words, that will make my boy better over night, but when he is doing this it kills me to see him hurting and in his pain hurting my other son. I want to get through to him and help him and make him realize that I am here to help not working against him.
Sorry this was so long, thank you for reading and thank you in advance for any advice you might give.
These little things build and we get more stressed until it gets to the point that he flips this switch in his head and now he is mad at both of us. Nothing will change that, he is now mad and he will tell us why he is mad, even if he has to make something up. He does it all, we are lazy interruptions to his life. He will look for things he can destroy, throw things, destroy his brothers bedroom, hit both his brother and me. Until it all becomes just too much and the depression switch is thrown. Now he's crying and his world is horrible and nothing can ever make it better. There is no consoling him, there is no making it better, there is nothing I seem to be able to do to break through. He doesn't deserve anything and will take things out of his room that I have given him because he is scum and shouldn't have them. Then suddenly as all the others the classic manic switch comes on and he is wired, awake and has grand ideas. We are going to have everyone over for christmas and all he has to do is spotlessly clean the entire house, or he will be able to do such in such if all he just finishes so and so. He never quite finishes the task he plans, usually because its just too big of a task, but he will stay up and manic for a couple days, mad at anyone that doesn't help him exactly as he wants them too, working to his goal.
There is a point where his goals are all realized as being too big and he is completely defeated and he crashes. What wakes up is my normal kid, apologetic and happy, ready to seize the day. He will stay in this stable apparently regular kid mode for anywhere from the rest of that day to even up to a week, until something flips that first switch where he decides it will be fun to play a joke that he doesn't know when to stop, or pester his brother past when it isn't fun for anyone, or something like that and starts the cycle all over again. These cycles are not a given 24 hours or what have you. Each step can last a new random amount of time each time around. I have seen the entire cycle finish in one day, but in a very stressful long month, I saw it take almost a month to finish.
I tell you all this so you can see exactly what I am seeing in my day to day and trying to deal with. I know that the treatment plans will eventually break through and start giving our family some sort of normalcy and relaxation. I am hoping maybe someone on this forum can give me some advice of what they have experienced with their kids, or even someone that is bipolar and can tell me what you in this horrible cycle know can help from those around you. I don't necessarily want to just stop his cycle. I recognize that he is only doing this because of something he is going through himself and we just tend to take the brunt of some of it as those closest to him, but if there is a way to make it easier on him so that he has less brunt to put out, I would love that. I know there is no magic pill, and no magic words, that will make my boy better over night, but when he is doing this it kills me to see him hurting and in his pain hurting my other son. I want to get through to him and help him and make him realize that I am here to help not working against him.
Sorry this was so long, thank you for reading and thank you in advance for any advice you might give.