Courage: weight loss program and speed dating: cisdude.
Posted: November 27th, 2015, 5:23 pm
I am a 39 year old straight cis dude. Or man, I guess.
This is the story of how I didn't want to go either a weight loss program meeting, or speed dating.
I guess the point is that I found courage to take small steps. Not because I'm awesome, but because I want to do better. Sometimes wishing to do better and actually taking action are two different things. Also, because I've posted many times here encouraging others to take action, so I have to take my own medicine!
Weight loss
I started a new job, and one of the benefits is a health assessment. My numbers came in normal to slightly high, with a few fairly high (weight, cholesterol).
I also read a report that Caucasian men in their 40s and 50s are dying very rapidly, and nobody knows why.
One Saturday in early October I went to a meeting of a well-known weight-loss company. Oh how I didn't want to go. As much as I didn't want to go, I didn't want to die prematurely in a few years even more. I walked in, not knowing what to expect.
Speed dating
The other night I went to speed dating right after work. My phone's GPS got me to free parking nearby, but utterly failed me as I couldn't switch from driving to walking, and in my haste I neglected the obvious solution of looking at the address I had entered earlier.
I walked all over the little gentrified neightborhood, all cold, and then had to backtrack a mile. I eventually found the venue, introduced myself to the organizer, got a nametag, and sat by myself for a half hour while it started late.
The weight-loss program is pure genius: given so many points (basically healthy food equals zero or very few points, fatty/greasy/sugary food is many points) I can eat whatever I want. I just have to write down everything I eat during the day. This was no problem for me, since in Debtors Anonymous years ago I was told to write down and categorize every cent I spent each day.
Great as the program is, the in-person meetings were problematic for me for a number of reasons. Eating and exercise are big topics, and each person brings their own history and struggles. The half hour meetings must be helpful to those who often spoke up, and while I didn't feel threatened in any way, it was not a safe space for me. After several weeks of feeling weird and unwanted, I brought my concerns to the leader. I'll not get into the he said-he said, but I felt he put my discomfort back on me. Another leader (whose meetings I went to several times) never showed any interest in me or my needs, but was carefully to invite us to a scammy MLM "party". Boo!
(I don't want to discourage anyone from weight-loss program meetings, but I do encourage running like a bat out of hell when things get weird at them. Just walk out. YMMV.)
Final result: Program = awesome and I'll keep doing it. Pure genius. Meetings = mentally damaging, and didn't care at all about me as a person.
Speed dating turned out to be a lot of fun. I had a great time. There were six women there, while all were nice, I chose 4 of the 6, and of those 4, 2 selected me. I messaged them yesterday and neither got back.
So what's the point of this post? I'm not sure.
My brain was telling me not to do both of these actions, even though both would be steps forward to clear goals that would be good for me. I can't always trust my brain. Or maybe my brain is all good, but my mind is the culprit.
Either way, I faced my fears and lived to tell.
Bonus courage story!
To tie this up, last Sunday I went to give this weight-loss meeting one more try, against my better judgment. I waited for five minutes to get weighed, totally ignored. I walked out, because I value my time. I walked next door and invited out the dishwater blond cashier for steaks. She said yes.
This is the story of how I didn't want to go either a weight loss program meeting, or speed dating.
I guess the point is that I found courage to take small steps. Not because I'm awesome, but because I want to do better. Sometimes wishing to do better and actually taking action are two different things. Also, because I've posted many times here encouraging others to take action, so I have to take my own medicine!
Weight loss
I started a new job, and one of the benefits is a health assessment. My numbers came in normal to slightly high, with a few fairly high (weight, cholesterol).
I also read a report that Caucasian men in their 40s and 50s are dying very rapidly, and nobody knows why.
One Saturday in early October I went to a meeting of a well-known weight-loss company. Oh how I didn't want to go. As much as I didn't want to go, I didn't want to die prematurely in a few years even more. I walked in, not knowing what to expect.
Speed dating
The other night I went to speed dating right after work. My phone's GPS got me to free parking nearby, but utterly failed me as I couldn't switch from driving to walking, and in my haste I neglected the obvious solution of looking at the address I had entered earlier.
I walked all over the little gentrified neightborhood, all cold, and then had to backtrack a mile. I eventually found the venue, introduced myself to the organizer, got a nametag, and sat by myself for a half hour while it started late.
The weight-loss program is pure genius: given so many points (basically healthy food equals zero or very few points, fatty/greasy/sugary food is many points) I can eat whatever I want. I just have to write down everything I eat during the day. This was no problem for me, since in Debtors Anonymous years ago I was told to write down and categorize every cent I spent each day.
Great as the program is, the in-person meetings were problematic for me for a number of reasons. Eating and exercise are big topics, and each person brings their own history and struggles. The half hour meetings must be helpful to those who often spoke up, and while I didn't feel threatened in any way, it was not a safe space for me. After several weeks of feeling weird and unwanted, I brought my concerns to the leader. I'll not get into the he said-he said, but I felt he put my discomfort back on me. Another leader (whose meetings I went to several times) never showed any interest in me or my needs, but was carefully to invite us to a scammy MLM "party". Boo!
(I don't want to discourage anyone from weight-loss program meetings, but I do encourage running like a bat out of hell when things get weird at them. Just walk out. YMMV.)
Final result: Program = awesome and I'll keep doing it. Pure genius. Meetings = mentally damaging, and didn't care at all about me as a person.
Speed dating turned out to be a lot of fun. I had a great time. There were six women there, while all were nice, I chose 4 of the 6, and of those 4, 2 selected me. I messaged them yesterday and neither got back.
So what's the point of this post? I'm not sure.
My brain was telling me not to do both of these actions, even though both would be steps forward to clear goals that would be good for me. I can't always trust my brain. Or maybe my brain is all good, but my mind is the culprit.
Either way, I faced my fears and lived to tell.
Bonus courage story!
To tie this up, last Sunday I went to give this weight-loss meeting one more try, against my better judgment. I waited for five minutes to get weighed, totally ignored. I walked out, because I value my time. I walked next door and invited out the dishwater blond cashier for steaks. She said yes.