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California Child Victims Act

Posted: December 31st, 2022, 10:51 am
by rivergirl
I don't want to make more of this than it really is. I made the decision a couple of years ago when this Act was passed not to pursue legal action against the man who abused me when I was a high school student. But the past week or so I've been aware that the window is closing today. I just wish that someone had protected me, that's all.

Re: California Child Victims Act

Posted: December 31st, 2022, 11:03 am
by oak
Well said.

I typed out a bunch of stuff about my own, eerily-similar experience.

Suffice to say there is no justice.

Edit to add:

Feel free to answer this or not: have you considered pursuing the matter while the opportunity remains?

Re: California Child Victims Act

Posted: December 31st, 2022, 11:05 am
by snoringdog
I just wish that someone had protected me, that's all.
I do too. I'm sorry.

Re: California Child Victims Act

Posted: December 31st, 2022, 12:05 pm
by Mental Fairy
The thought of seeing my abuser makes my insides turn inside out. The thoughts of seeing any abuser for that matter. The sad fact is many get away with it. Boundaries were different back in the day and the acknowledgment of abuse was pathetic. Police systems, politics, follow ups and investigations were so different to now also.

For my own mental health I needed to use my inner anger and power to change my thought patterns, my body and my actions. Without that abuse I wouldn’t be the person I am today. The blame I put on my abuser I transferred it towards my mother. Sadly this caused a big rift, never to be repaired. I blamed everyone including myself but never the abuser. Until I came across mental health happy hour.
Once I learnt more about others whom went through similar abuse my blame shifted back to the abuser. However the ping pong effect of blaming everyone else around me still happens.

I honestly wish someone protected you, I also wished someone protected me but again I can’t change this situation. So take that energy and fire within you and put it into something that ignites passion in you. Only you will know what that is. It is not always the same thing every month or year. As I age I reflect back on my past coping tools, art, climbing, walks, jogs, runs, biking, working with animals, geocaching and cooking.

You are a beautiful person rivergirl. We are not all perfect, I used to think I was damaged goods but now I think I’m damaged but managing the cracks.

Re: California Child Victims Act

Posted: January 1st, 2023, 10:51 am
by oak
Well said, Mental Fairy.

Re: California Child Victims Act

Posted: January 1st, 2023, 3:25 pm
by Beany Boo
I’m sorry that the date has passed rg.