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Podcast about how to deal with workplace bullying

Posted: October 12th, 2014, 11:49 am
by gfyourself
This may help if you are having an issue. ... ho-a-bully

Re: Podcast about how to deal with workplace bullying

Posted: October 12th, 2014, 1:29 pm
by ArmyOfMe80
Thanks for posting. I was bullied at my previous job. I was there for three years. My boss was actually in on the bullying. We had a seasonal lay-off in 2012 and I thought that when they finally called, it would be to tell me not to come back. But my boss called and informed me that SHE wouldn't be coming back. And that is when things got better.

It is a long story how it all came about in the first place. It all starts with a guy in his '40s who was manipulating everyone on the shift, including my female boss. He was utterly creepy and because I didn't like him, he manipulated my boss against me. Long story.

At my current job, it is like night and day - so much better. But a few weeks ago, a co-worker looked in my direction, then called our supervisor over, and they both looked over in my direction. Then that supervisor sent over and spoke with a second supervisor. Everything inside me became unglued. My stomach went into knots and I became very angry. I had my speech all worked out in my head for when I got pulled into the office. I would say, "I dealt with this before, and I am not going to deal with it again. I quit, blah blah blah."
.... And yet I knew LOGICALLY that the odds were slim they were even discussing me. :) (They weren't.)

But obviously, that is proof that the psychological effects linger. This would also be a great topic for the Mental Illness Happy Hour. I hope a guest talks about it sometime.