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Erectile dysfunction

Posted: February 12th, 2013, 3:43 am
by jazzman82
I am a 30 year old male with severe erectile dysfunction. This condition has made me feel that I am truly less than anyone else that I come into contact with. Even as I am typing this I am holding back tears. If I can just get over this fucking condition I will be alright but it seem I can't I have been to 6 different specialist so far and no one has been able to help me. I even went two hours out of my way to a specialist in New Orleans, only to have them turn me away basically because I have no health insurance. Hopefully I will be able to be accepted through blue cross/blue shield so I can afford to see a specialist. However if I cannot get any help soon, I will kill myself. I am sick and tired of feeling less than everyone else around me and I find it difficult to even function properly to maintain a fucking job. I feel this way especially about women, and it is worse when some actually hit on me and I know I can't respond. This has become a dull fucking pain that I experience day in and out and I am tired of it. If there is any way for anyone to give me some information I will definitely appreciate as I am nearly at the end of my rope. My email is at

Re: Erectile dysfunction

Posted: March 3rd, 2013, 5:54 am
by B-annie
Jazzman - please know my heart hurts for you - I am not a man so I won't say I can identify with you, however, I have sexual dysfunction as well. I am married and can only have sex with my husband if he is behind me (or tolerable sex I guess). I did not have an orgasm until I was 32 and it was through masturbation. This remains the only way I can achieve orgasm and I must use a vibrator and other toys and I cannot stand to have my husband anywhere near me. I feel if he hears me and becomes aroused that he is preying on me, like a family member did when I was very young. I have to take a medication that dulls my nerve sensation so that raises the threshold of stimulation I must achieve to have an orgasm so I suppose I may have one to two orgasms every 2-3 months. I battle with myself to be able to pleasure myself then feel guilty afterward. It is a struggle for me on a daily basis - pretty much sucks. Hang in there.....I don't remember, are you being treated for depression or anxiety?

Re: Erectile dysfunction

Posted: March 22nd, 2013, 10:41 pm
by jazzman82
B-annie, i know this is late, but thank you for your reply. Anyone who can sympathize with the way I feel helps. Thanx again.

Re: Erectile dysfunction

Posted: March 22nd, 2013, 10:50 pm
by jazzman82
B-annie, i know this is late, but thank you for your reply. Anyone who can sympathize with the way I feel helps. Thanx again.