Giving the morning the finger

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Giving the morning the finger

Post by marathonbar »

I hate the mornings. I just had to say it.
I hate waking up at a time that is way too soon for me. I put off getting up until the last possible moment, then I rush around getting my son's lunch together and run out the door to the bus stop. Then I have to get myself together to get to work when all I want to do is climb back under the blankets and chill out until I feel ready to face the day. I honestly think I could deal with my depression so much better if I could live life on my own schedule.
Rant over. Time to take a shower.
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Re: Giving the morning the finger

Post by manuel_moe_g »

marathonbar wrote:I honestly think I could deal with my depression so much better if I could live life on my own schedule.
So true these words
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Re: Giving the morning the finger

Post by Sherlock »

Sorry for the unasked for advice and if it doesn't fit within your schedule, but: perhaps you can prepare your son's lunch the night before?

That way it'll be quick and easy. Put a sandwich or whatever he eats that could possibly be icky in the morning into tupperware or plastic wrapping and as far as I remember from lunches in elementary school, you're done from there--everything else is sealed and ready to be packed, in the morning or night.

Also anything to make your prep for work easier is good, too--maybe you already do this, but picking an outfit for everyday the night before. Grinding up coffee and putting in the water the night before. Giving yourself a quick and easy breakfast at home... which you could ALSO prepare the night before.

Maybe it sounds like too much but I know that feeling, even though I'm only taking care of myself. I only need 10 minutes to get ready and I'm a terribly unhygienic person so I could be doing better, but I know it does make my morning a little easier if I prepared at least what clothes I'm going to wear instead of going through what I have and deciding when I'm groggy.

I really hate the mornings, too. No idea why society is built for the morning larks; always felt very unfair, especially when I was in high school. :(
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Re: Giving the morning the finger

Post by judasiscariotjr »

I haven't been on the forum for a bit, so glad I clicked on this topic. Wow, do I relate to this.
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Re: Giving the morning the finger

Post by Brooke »

Yes, who made it a rule that we have to get up so early in the morning? I hate societal rules... When I worked full time, I LITERALLY wanted to die every morning--yes, the coffin, funeral, the real deal. When you are depressed, getting up in the morning feels like you are being killed. It's torture.

Now that I'm married and don't have to work, it's so much better. I do want to go back to work, but the mornings scare the crap out of me and I can't. I can't go back to that deathly morning... So yes, you're right, having to make your own schedule is so much better for your depression. I'm sorry if it seemed like I'm flaunting my morning sleep-ins. I'm not--I'm just agreeing with you.
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