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Re: Seeking any SSRI takers for honest reviews

Posted: October 10th, 2015, 3:59 am
by justsomeoneinacorner
I tend to be very weary of any online thread relating to medication reviews; the often seem to become little more than a haven for horror stories. However this one is shaping up nicely, so let me go ahead and ask my two cents.

Which SSRI did you take?

Fluoxetine, currently 30mg / day. I take it with buproprion 300 mg / day. (I realize Buproprion is not an SSRI but thought you'd like to know) I've been on both for about a year and a half.

How has it helped you?

I have very little depression or anxiety these days; its truly amazing. I used to be severely depressed with suicidal episodes, unable to work or study. I know have a stable office job with career potential and the resilience to get over the normal hurdles in life. I still have short depressive episodes here and there, but am generally able to come out of it after <week, most of the time just a few days. I also still have anxiety attacks, but those are almost non existent and are usually resolved in a day or two. Looking back now, the meds combined with good therapy (CBT) has made all the difference in the world.

If it didn't help, did you find yourself worse off?


Can you tell me about any negative side effects you experienced? (The ones I am most concerned about are weight gain and decreased libido)

When I first started taking buproption at 300 mg it made me jumpy, kinda anxious and more angry. I never actually exploded at anyone, it was just internal. However after a few weeks, maybe a month that went away completely. Fluoxetine initially made me extremely tired - beyond anything I've ever experienced before or since. I cut myself some slack, let myself sleep more and after a few weeks or a month that went away for the most part. I used to me a very, very peppy person and now I'm just a very peppy person - I'm not sure if that's related to the fluoxetine or the monotony of working in a cubicle though. I haven't experienced any weight gain that isn't explained by my changing from a regimented manual labor job to a flexible desk job where there's often free food hanging around for the taking.

Did you have withdrawal, or any negative side effects, if you took them and then got off?

n/a - I'm still on the stuff :D

Re: Seeking any SSRI takers for honest reviews

Posted: April 3rd, 2016, 8:28 pm
by Sinistra
Which SSRI did you take?
I take 10 mg of escitalopram (a generic Lexipro)

How has it helped you?
It eased the worst of my symptoms, which included suicidal ideation, irritability, mood swings, hopelessness, apathy

Can you tell me about any negative side effects you experienced? (The ones I am most concerned about are weight gain and decreased libido)
I experienced both of these side effects. I gained around 30 or 40 pounds during the first year I was on it. Since I was underweight before, this has not been a source of stress for me. However, to prevent this kind of weight gain from continuing (and to help with my hypersomnia, which the lexipro didn't help with) I'm also taking 150 mg of buproprion. This combination has worked well for me.

I have also experienced the decreased libido. Unfortunately, my current meds haven't been able to help much with that.

Did you have withdrawal, or any negative side effects, if you took them and then got off?
I haven't been off of them yet, but I definitely experience symptoms if I'm negligent and I miss two-three doses. I get dizzy and apathetic, mostly.